Thursday, January 15, 2015

Michael left Tuesday morning (1/13) for a stop at the chiro and the grocery store, and I had a wonderful and long visit from Nancy.  We haven’t seen each other in MONTHS…and had lots to talk about.  She had an appointment so she left early….but I didn’t manage to get anything done….then or in the evening.  It seems like whenever I finish a project (Like the rainbow quilt) I have a feeling of ennui for a day or 2.  I just don’t feel like doing anything…somehow waiting for the perfect inspiration to strike.  Joanne picked me up for Stitch & Chat…and other than talking to a bunch of people, I did nothing.  Michael left very early with Larry to see TAKEN 3…and ladies were supposed to come over for knitting…but it was very cold and misty and most of the ladies called to say they weren’t feeling like going out in one way or another….so I sat like a lump and watched TV until Michael got home.
I had time to get showered and dressed and make my tea before heading over to Diane’s house on Wednesday morning (1/14).  Diane bought the same long arm I did and we wanted to get together to share our knowledge.  She lives in a beautiful home only 20 minutes away, and we talked and talked and talked until I left around 4:30.  I got to see her sewing room and many quilts before we had lunch.  Then we loaded up a quilt and proceeded to go.  I think we both learned a lot from each other and we hope to get together again in a couple of weeks.  My honey is still feeling a bit under the weather (scratchy throat, upset tummy) so he really wasn’t interested in dinner…which was good because I’m not sure I would have had time to make it!  I SKYPED with BG at 5:30 and again with Janice at 7:30…and that was kind of my whole night.

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