Tuesday, March 12, 2013

laundry room spruce up

Daniel and Michael both left for golf on Monday (3/11) and I got busy getting caught up on several things.  I have my house divided into 12 ‘zones’…one for each month of the year.  The idea is that on the weekends, I spend an extra hour in that room or rooms, to really get them back into shape.  I’m batting about 50% on this….but it’s good to have goals….right J?  Anyway, March is the laundry room, and it really needed some help.  I started last weekend, but didn’t get to it this weekend…so Monday morning it was.  It is always amazing to me how LITTLE time it takes to make something look nice and clean.  In about 1/2 an hour, I finished up the ‘outside’ (here are all of the before and afters....Michael immeidately noticed and commented on how nice it looked when he came home with his 83 from golfing J) :







Next weekend I hope to tackle one cupboard, then see if there’s time for the second one…then it will be all done and I’ll be on to the back deck and back patio in April. 
I spent the afternoon knitting on the baby blanket (although Jan and I made a quick run to the post office and grocery store around lunch) and after a quick dinner, Michael and I headed to our first rehearsal at 7 PM.  Neither one of us realized it, but we weren’t done until 10 PM!!  We both thought it was around 9.  By the time we got home, Daniel as fast asleep and we watched a bit of TV before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the "zone" cleaning plan! I might borrow it! When I do a thorough clean, I love that the whole house looks great. But it is a daunting task that I don't do often enough because it is such a pain.


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