Thursday, November 22, 2018

Greenway Restaurant Luncheon, secret Xmas project

I got my blog out on Wednesday (11/21) and did a bit of cleaning up in my studio before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  Well - we got to SKYPE for about one minute, then it was using the phone for the rest of the time.  Janice & Dennis have recently moved, and don't think they have enough bandwidth to sustain the Dennis was going to see if they can upgrade by next Wednesday.  The minute we finished I ran upstairs to change clothes and get picked up by Paula to head into Charlotte for lunch at the GREENWAY restaurant.  

When reservations for this were available, I was in the car on my way to the Fiber Floozie retreat, so Paula scored a table and graciously asked me to be one of the guests.  As usual, the lunch was wonderful: 

garlic herb, honey & lemon butters

kombucha squash soup...totally yummy!

Marilyn and I both got the chicken....notice anything different about the 2 pictures above?  Marilyn noticed that I never got any sauce!!  Even though I thought the students who did the actual cooking were experienced, I think they were having a tiny bit of an off day :~).

Mary Ellen got the pork

and Paula had the red snapper

Of course they had a lovely dessert....chocolate/cherry layer cake with whipped cream frosting...sort of like a black forest, but again, we were surprised that there was no red cherry drizzle on the plate before the cake was set down...something that would have been a given during past luncheons there:

The luncheon companions were delightful:  


Mary Ellen & Paula

We sat at our table long after signing our checks, talking about this and really was very nice!

I wasn’t home until 2:30, and found out Lucy had been locked in the front closet the entire time  :~(.  I opened the door to get out a coat when I left, never saw her dash in, and that was that.  As I approached the door to hang up my coat when I got home, I heard a plaintive meow!! 

I made a quick dash to the library as I was totally out of books and they had 3 on hold for me, and finally settled into sewing before 4 PM.  I worked for several hours on my secret Christmas project…here’s a pic: 

Well, what did you expect for a SECRET project pic?  Turns out I’m going to use 6 different fabrics in this project that have to be put together randomly….so what’s a non-artist person supposed to do?  Of course I turned to the internet, found a random number generator, and now have my ‘pattern’ for how to apply these fabrics  :~).  

I eventually headed upstairs to watch TV with Michael and to put more beads on one of my necklaces.  Both my silver/black and rainbow necklaces need more beads as I did a lot of braiding while Michael was having his stress test….so I got all but 2 strings done on the silver/black one.  I also finally got the ends woven in on a hat for the men’s shelter:  

I keep a small bag of knitting in my purse for those occasional times I find myself out somewhere with nothing to do… it’s slow going, but I finally have another finished hat.

And even though the world’s scientists overwhelmingly agree that the climate is changing rapidly, and the planet has already warmed dramatically since pre-industrial times due to human activity, our idiot-in-chief sees it differently (or I should really say, doesn’t see it AT ALL!)  Remeber, it's your grandchildren who will be suffering with this -

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