Monday, November 19, 2018

2018 Fiber Floozie Retreat

The Fiber Floozie retreat for 2018 has come to an end ~sigh~.  It is very hard to describe what a retreat is like, especially if you have never attended one.  The sewing went on from 6 AM until 1 AM (or was it 2 that last night???)  The laughing and bonding went on that entire time as well.  We had public and private conversations about sex, religion and politics!!!  We re-connected and re-lived memories from past times.  And when we were beating ourselves up over small imperfections, we learned to forgive ourselves and say 'whoever gets it will love it'!

We brought some show and tell to share (always so much better in person than in pictures):  

Mary Jo is on the board with FPF - Pat, where are you??

 After all, remember these other FPF's:

Leila - the one that started it all....

Janice (although of  course only Dennis is showing  :~)



me again....I LOVED this's been donated now

And a bit more show and tell from home:


We had great meals and spent time talking long after the food was gone:

Our workstations were luxurious compared to Grady House:

obviously some people were neater than others  :~)

And did I mention gifts???  Scissor/rotary cutter holders and embroidered coasters, a tiny trash 'can',credit card wallet and magnets and fat quarters and beautiful key fobs for our gorgeous antique looking, sharp as anything new scissors:

We were treated to a reprise of Leila’s happy dance:

as she finally finished 144 pinwheels (at a size of 2-1/2 inches) for her erroneously labeled quick and easy quilt…..NOT!!!

and here they are in a finished block

We learned about faux sewing, and may be making signs in the future saying STAMP OUT THE FAUX SEW (or maybe we’ll get our rhyming genes going with NO MO’ FAUX SEW)!!!  And I think we all had a “date” or 2 with Jack (the ripper :~).

We sent messages of love to a beloved granddaughter in heaven:

And for the first time ever at a retreat we had at least 6 inches of snow, which bothered us not even a little bit, snug in our room with all of our supplies:

But mostly, it was 7 women bonding in the way only women can…sharing our strengths and weaknesses, and helping one another…and incidentally….sewing and sewing and sewing.

We're just getting started here:

more blocks for Janice's summer quilt...which will make a finished appearance next year when she moves to NC!!!

a beginning....

Once you finish stand up and announce that you are 'on the board' and once we started....nothing could stop us:








me....doing same pattern as above...

don't they really look totally different?




June had the inside of this finished before she came, but finally got those pesky borders on


same pattern, 2 different looks from BG and me

Janice laying out her blocks

and finished with sashing

I got 2 of these QoV done, but still need borders

Leila making pillow cases for Christmas presents


All too soon it was time to pack up and come home:

What a fabulous and talented group of friends….I couldn’t imagine my life without them!

back row l to r: Pat, June, BG, Leila
front: Janice, me, Mary Jo

PS - and none of us will ever hear a big sigh without laughing again... right??


  1. Fabulous blog entry! Fabulous time! Fabulous friends! All doingbwhatbtheynlove! WOW!
    AM143 ^_^

  2. Right !!! Great blog entry summing up our escapade !

  3. So much talent - so much love - it's so apparent you have sew much fun. (heavy sigh!)

    Kudos to Janice and her BIG yellow circles!

    Also the Bobsie twins (BG and Deb) working side by side!

    June's big brown quilt with the white stars -so intricate!

    Love Pat's wine doohickie!

    And Leila's dance is super cool!


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