Tuesday, November 27, 2018

breakfast at Sally's

Before my honey started making his breakfast Monday morning (11/26), I got an onion sautéed and added to my breakfast casserole:  

Then I beat 20 eggs with milk and salt and pepper, poured it carefully into the casserole, spread shredded cheddar cheese over the top and set it to bake while I ran to take a shower.  

I’m testing out this recipe to see if I will make it for our New Year’s Day brunch (Mary Jo – new recipe!!)  

As always, our  monthly breakfast was wonderful and filled with much talking and laughing.  

Ann Mary, Sally, Gale (Ginny is visitng relatives and couldn't make it!)

In addition to the egg dish, we had scrumptious fruit and hard rolls:

And Sally has already decorated for Christmas:

As have we!!!  I thought you'd love to see Michael's whimsical golf tree:

We got to see adorable pictures of Sally’s first granddaughter and she is definitely a cutie!!!  Sometimes I marvel at the fact that we meet pretty much monthly, and we always have so much to talk about.

I got home around NOON….had a microscopic visit from Anne…she stopped just long enough to drop off some of her egg/ham cups for me!  When I took the dog out, I had to take pictures of our still blooming gorgeous dark purple irises:  

And of course, our roses are still going strong:

My focus for Monday was completing the mystery quilt, and by the time I joined my honey at 8 PM for some TV, it was totally quilted with the bobbin ends woven in and the basting ripped out.  It will be given to the person by the end of the week, so you won’t have to wait very long for pictures.

And hey – I finally figured out what happened to me last year:

 How have we come to this?  And yet another lie indicating a ‘minor form of tear gas’….really??  I shake my head and cannot understand at all that people still believe anything this person says…talk about ‘fake news’ or maybe I should just say 'forked tongue'. 

Is all of our compassion truly non-existent?  Is this what he has brought us to?  Is this the person you want to be?  Maybe in light of reading the following article you'll change your mind:

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