Monday, November 26, 2018

cinnamon bread, breakfast casserole

Even though it was overcast and cold Sunday morning (11/25), Michael headed out for a walk with Cookie while I got bread dough made and set to rise.  We haven't had homemade bread in the house since before retreat.  I figured you were tired of seeing the regular old bread pics, so I thought I'd document something new:  

When he got home we both lounged around in the living room, reading the paper in front of the fire and eventually taking short naps….what a wonderful last day of the Thanksgiving weekend.  

Eventually Michael made his way outside again to get our Christmas lights set up, while I headed downstairs to continue to work on the quilt.  I got a few rows done and was back upstairs to keep the bread moving.  I talked to Michael about it and decided to make one loaf be cinnamon bread….

fully risen dough, ready to go

rolled out into a long rectangle with melted butter on top

add cinnamon/sugar

yum!!!  Michael said it was FABULOUS!!

but we made 2 ‘halves’ out of the other plain loaf and I delivered a half to Mary Jo…the woman who has been so very helpful with my beading/braiding.  

Paula came by for a visit and we got to talk for a bit so that was nice, and eventually I found myself back downstairs, working away.  I was over 1/2 way done with the quilting by the time I headed upstairs.  I needed to do a bit of work on a breakfast casserole, so I blanched broccoli, broke up some feta cheese and sliced up some ham 

and then got everything in the fridge before settling in to beading and watching TV with my honey.

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