Monday, November 2, 2015

Sunday breakfast, leaning tower of basket, death of a waffle iron, cutting for new quilt, Sandy's quilt loaded

Michael hopped up to get bacon and potatoes 

started on Sunday morning (11/1), while I headed downstairs to put away a bunch of stuff.  I have a basket at the top of the basement stairs that almost always looks like the leaning tower of Pisa (with stuff that needs to go downstairs) and it makes Michael crazy (as well it should!)  So…I decided that every time I went downstairs on Sunday, I would grab a handful of stuff and put it away.  This is what it looked like at the beginning of the day:

Here’s how it looked at the end….

 Believe it or not, I made a good start on it :~).

The one bad thing about our breakfast is that once again, our waffle iron died.  The construction on it is very poor….2 tiny screws holding together the plastic hinge, and Reg (Loree’s husband) has already fixed it once.  He said at that time that if it broke again, we would have to get a new one….so…Michael documented the send off:   

After our terrific breakfast (the aforementioned potatoes, bacon and waffles), 
with enough leftover waffles for M's breakfast later in the week

I headed downstairs to continue cutting out blocks for a new quilt, in between putting basket stuff away.  That took me most of the day.   
I still have to cut out my 2-1/2 inch black squares

 Michael and I had a quick dinner, then he headed off to rehearsal, and I spent the evening loading up a customer quilt and getting the quilting pattern all set up.   

He was home at 10:30 and we watched one quick 1/2 hour show before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm waiting for the day when I can reach into my computer and eat those delicious looking potatoes, bacon and waffles ! (mjnct)


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