Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I know normally you are reading about what happened in my life the day before....but on this Thanksgiving day I wanted to write a truly heartfelt message.  I believe the secret to joy and happiness is a light and grateful heart.  I am blessed to have a partner who feels as I do, and who still marvels with me at the wonderful life we are living and at all we have been given: the beauty of really good friends….some of long standing…others much newer, but just as precious and important…the gift of a wonderful and caring husband (and believe me, I know just what a gift this is)…the true pleasure in doing what I want to on any particular day…the luxury of being retired…the sheer and silly joy of finding a new recipe I might try…the loveliness that is my home, whatever state it may be in…and for me, one of the most important of all…the ability to use my time and talents to GIVE to others….a real blessing in my life.  For all of these and for hundreds of reasons more, I am grateful. 
I wish you a blessed time this holiday season, and hope that you have the ability to be grateful for things in your life....whatever they may be.


  1. Well said, my dear friend. Hope you have a wonderful day. You are so special to me.

  2. Beautifully said...God Bless you both with continued happiness. (mjnct)


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