Tuesday, November 3, 2015

apple pie

Michael got rained out of his normal golf outing on Monday (11/2), so he was home most of the day.  Jan and I switched our errand running to Monday, so she picked me up and we headed out to breakfast.  We had a great breakfast at Cruisin’ Ruebens, where one of our neighbors even picked up our check!  Then it was off to Belk’s for Jan to exchange some shoes, and then WALMART for groceries, the library and the Lake House before heading home.  When I got home, my honey and I got busy making an apple pie.  I had a bunch of streusel topping leftover from a couple of weeks ago, and I decided an apple pie would be the perfect way to use it up.  It was totally yummy and I shared a (still warm) piece with Larry W, who has built me a custom display stand I hope to show you all in a couple of weeks.  
soaking in lemon water

fluting the crust

piling those apples in after adding lemon juice, lemon zest cinnamon, etc

adding the streusel topping

OMgoodness, this smells INCREDIBLE!!!


 I spent the rest of the afternoon starting to pack.  Michael and I had leftovers for dinner, then he left for rehearsal (yet again!) and I settled in to watch TV and knit.

***This is probably the last post you will see for a bit....I leave for my Fiber Floozie retreat at o'dark hundred Wednesday morning.  My honey will be holding down the fort, continuing to go to rehearsals until opening night later this week.  I'll be back late Monday.***

1 comment:

  1. The pie looks delicious. Have fun at the retreat and get a lot of sewing done.
    Will see you when you get back. Drive carefully.


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