Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Before I forget…..I watched a FABULOUS 10 arc TV show last summer called BROADCHURCH.  The story was gripping, the character development excellent, and had twists you never saw coming.  I started to watch it myself…after 4 episodes I told Michael he should be watching it.  Luckily they had a marathon one weekend, so Michael watched all of those beginning ones and got caught up…and afterwards we watched it together and BOTh of us loved it.  Why am I telling you this?  Some of the same characters are in a new series, with seemingly the same plot line…it starts October 2nd on the FOX network and is called GRACEPOINT….so you may want to watch it….my honey and I are certainly going to give it a try!

My honey and I were up early on Tuesday (9/30) to get to our (routine) dentist appointments, then it was home to dog walking for Michael and taking Jan’s quilt off the frame for me.  I was happily interrupted in my endeavor by a phone call from Cathy L, letting me know that she had received her coasters :~).  Remember this: 
Yes, Cathy was the one who named my long arm, and as a reward, I made a set of coasters
on retreat as her prize.  She said they matching her living room perfectly!  We talked for just a bit before she got back to work, and I continued with the quilt.  Nancy H called me to say we could get together, so I took Jan’s quilt and sped up to her house.  I wanted her professional opinion of the quilt…she just finished one on HER long arm for her grandson.  She liked the quilting design…but thought the quilt was rather ‘poofy’.  When we checked the package of  batting, she revised her opinion…it was a higher loft batting than what I have been using….I want the fatter one for next time!  I left Nancy’s, made a brief stop at Jan’s and made it to Stitch & Chat not too too late.  Joanne gave me a ride to the library and back after S&C, just so that we had a short time to talk…then it was home to clean up my sewing room from the latest project.  Michael and I had dinner, then he left with Larry for the movies (the enforcer) while Barb W and Joanne and I had a knit in.

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