Tuesday, May 16, 2017

breakfast at Sally's, MESIG show & tell, rail fence quilts

Michael left just before 8 AM on Monday (5/15) for golfing at Charlotte National, while I headed out just after him for breakfast with Sally and the gals:  

a yummy quiche type dish

coffee cake...I think almost all of us took seconds!

fruit salad

Ann Mary, Sally, Gale, Ginny
We sat and talked and talked and talked and I didn’t get home until 12:30!!!  Just in time to pack up my stuff and head out to a Machine Embroidery meeting.  We had lots of laughs and lots of really nice show & tell:  

June's bags for children's home

June's gorgeous placemat and napkins

dishrag and scrubby all in one!

embossed towel

Barb's entry for the wine contest

Pat's birthday present for daughter Lisa...a HUGE Leo fan!

another wine entry

And now, many of Cathy's show and tell....we've all decided she must never sleep and she must keep her 4 embroidery machines going ALL THE TIME!!!

on outside of patriotic tote

isn't this gorgeous!?!

and Cathy always embroiders an inside pocket as well on her totes

wine bottle aprons

a spectacular stained glass panel....

I got home after 3 PM, with Michael arriving home with an 83 within 10 minutes of me.  We sat on the back deck for a bit, enjoying our new railings:  

and then headed inside to do a bunch of chores before dinner.  I finally got a nice picture of an icebox cake serving:  

after which we watched TV and I continued to clean out one of my knitting bags.

So, BG was interested in one of the quilt tops I made on retreat, but when I went to the blog entry...I never posted a picture...so here's the 4th patriotic top that I got completed....a rail fence that was inspired by Arizona Mary's black/white/gray rail fence...here's Mary's:

And here's my (much easier) one:

1 comment:

  1. AZ Mary got my idea of the black\gray\white rail fence from Diane Henahan from Fort Mills


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