Thursday, March 23, 2017

breakfast, a new quilt, deer

Michael headed out for golf on Wednesday (3/22) while I headed up to the Lake House to hopefully get approval on our revised sun room plan (we had to make it 2 feet shorter).  We got approved (again!); I’m just waiting for the hard copy to send to our contractor.  I headed to my studio when I got home and continued to sew strips onto muslin.  I was starving by 11 AM and headed upstairs to make myself some brunch.  It’s hard to make eggs look attractive when you are mixing them with caramelized onions (brown) and sautéed mushrooms (more brown), but I put them on a bed of spinach (I don’t like cooked spinach….but I LOVE raw spinach…or just slightly wilted) and with some strawberries for a garnish I think my plate looked nice:  

I worked in the early afternoon continuing to put strips on muslin (I’ve been saying that same thing FOREVER….right?) and finally stopped at 3 to load up and baste a customer quilt:  

before heading upstairs to put in some time in the kitchen.  Michael had several bananas that were at the “beyond eating” stage….so I made banana bread….it tasted FABULOUS!!!  

I think I haven’t made it in far too long….we both snarfed down a couple of pieces :~).  After that we vegged and read for a bit, and finally picked up Chinese for dinner.  Right when we sat down to eat, suddenly there were 3 deer in the backyard:  

It was magical :~).  Michael wanted to watch a few of his shows in the evening, so I continued to quilt until around 9 PM, when I headed upstairs to watch stuff with him.

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