Wednesday, May 27, 2015

broken arrow quilt finished!

We were both up early Tuesday morning (5/26); I took a quick bike ride while Michael ate breakfast, then he left for his dentist appointment, while I supervised the hoard of workers doing things to our house: window washing, power washing, painting, etc.  Jan came over around 9:30 and we spent the morning and early afternoon working on 2 of the 3 purses she wants to make for her granddaughters and a family friend.  I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the binding of the broken arrow quilt.  Sometimes I would swear I have ADD…..I had to MAKE myself keep working on the binding….I thought of at least 6 other NEW things I wanted to jump up and do, but I kept telling myself that I had to totally finish the quilt before I could start anything else.  We had pizza for dinner, and Michael left really early to see some ULTRON movie with Larry, while Barb and Jeannie and Joanne came over for a visit.  I managed to get all of my ends woven in and the label stitched down while they were there, so my quilt is totally finished…YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!  

 Michael got home around 10 and we watched just a bit of TV before bed.

1 comment:

  1. love the dragonfly fabric and the backing....Nice job. I'm sure someone will love to snuggle under it ! (MJ in CT)


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