Monday, April 29, 2013

last performance, cast party

I hopped up Sunday morning (4/28) and started right in on making cornbread (to go with the soup) and the dough for onion buns (to go with the lasagna).  While I was working on that, Michael made us a terrific mushroom/spinach/cheese omelet and toast, which we shared for breakfast.  We cleaned up from that and set out as much party stuff (dishes/napkins/silverware/etc) as we could before leaving at 1PM for the theatre.  It was another wonderful show…but really sad when it was all over  L.  My neighbor came over while we were at the show to put in the lasagna and enchiladas…so the house smelled wonderful when we got home.  I got the rolls baked and people started arriving…it was a terrific day and evening:
Lauren (stage mgr), David (husband), Jack (son), Jason (asst stage mgr), Elyse (the star Becky), Brett (my love interest!), Caitlen (ingĂ©nue), Michael (Becky's love interest!), Deb (Ginger), and Polly (THE DIRECTOR!) 
a silly pose before our last performance


a typical backstage activity (at least for me) while waiting to go on


Brett got each of the ladies a beautiful rose
I surprise Lauren with signature hat
handing out presents (the bags you’ve already seen, plus shots from the liquor store called PORN STAR (you had to see the play to understand that!)):

our gift to the director…..her favorite….Patron tequila and a bag of limes:

after 8 weeks…we’ve all bonded:
Lauren & Caitlen doing what they do best…having fun:
everyone decides to do their shots:
Jason, Lauren, Caitlen, Polly
It was just a great show, a great cast, a great group of people.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the gifts, the wonderful food, the porn-shots, the bags and the hospitality! Polly


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