Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Even though Sunday was a late night, we were up early on Monday (4/15) because there was a lot to get done.  Michael made his breakfast and sat down to watch the last (taped while we spent all day at rehearsal) day of The Masters.  I headed downstairs to start my first embroidery on the cast gift bags, and to figure out how much additional canvas fabric I needed to buy.  This show is very heavy on lighting cues and the tech team needs to do a lot of work.  Plus, we will be having 2 tech teams, one for each weekend, and it would be hard to give a gift to one and not the others, so I will do my best to get 13 – 14 bags done by the 28th.  The hardest part is actually the embroidery which takes somewhere between 2 – 3 hours.

You know, as much as I enjoy having people read this blog…it is nice to be able to do this whole project and actually ‘talk’ about it as I go along!  I can’t always do that…since I am frequently (sometimes?) working on projects for people that I am pretty sure are going to read about it!

Anyway, I stopped embroidering around 10:15 and headed up to my volunteer meeting at the Lake House, with a visit to Joann’s for more canvas after that.  That chopped 4 hours out of my day and when I got home at 2, I continued embroidering on the first bag.  Michael came home from golfing with an 85 and I continued embroidering until 4:30, when I needed to wind a new bobbin, only to find out that my machine wouldn’t do it L.  I had a lot of trouble pushing the bobbin winder into position, and then it made a horrible noise as it spun around (although that was nothing compared to the horrible noise I made as this was happening!!!)  I sent out a distress email to 2 clubs in Sun City, and called the local Viking dealer to see if Jan’s new machine (Christmas gift from Walt) could wind my bobbins….no deal  L.  However, Judy (lady who works at the Viking store) recognized my voice and called me back to tell me that I was welcome to come into the store tomorrow to wind bobbins….halleluia!!!  I called Nancy (since I see her on Tuesday mornings) and she is totally up for a road trip tomorrow morning…so that’s where I’ll be.  I continued working on cutting out the bags and handles, and at 9 PM when I was done, headed up to watch TV and snuggle with Michael.

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