Friday, April 19, 2013

ham & cheese enchiladas, another charity hat

I was up early on Wednesday (4/17) to get my hair set in rollers and everything collected before June picked me up at 8:45.  We headed to the church to get the set up done (along with 3 other people) for our retreat tomorrow.  Michael left around 9:30 for a brunch date in Ballentyne.  A former 6th grade student of his had flown into Charlotte from Alaska, to give a deposition in a trial.  They have been in contact for quite awhile on FACEBOOK and it was a rare opportunity for him to connect with a former student…she is married and a mother of 4 ranging from 6 – 9 years of age…so they really keep her hopping.  I got home close to NOON, made some calls and finally had a chance to sit down and eat something around 1 when Michael got home.  Then my sweetheart of a honey offered to go to the grocery store and CVS so that I didn’t have to be seen in my curlers  J.  We both got a nap in the afternoon and I put together my HAM & CHEESE ENCHILADAS for my retreat contribution.  You roll up a mixture of ham/cheese/onions/chilies into tortillas, then pour a seasoned egg/milk mixture over all:



They ‘perk’ overnight in the fridge, to be baked the next day.  We had a quick dinner before leaving for the theatre at 5:30.  We had a small audience for this last dress rehearsal and WOW what a difference with an audience.  I think they liked the play, they didn’t seem to want to leave, they were all standing around talking about it!  When we got home, Michael watched a bit of TV and I started the embroidery on a third bag, and started sewing handles on number 2.

Thursday morning (4/18) I was up early again.  I just had time for a shower, and setting my hair before packing the car and heading off to the quilting retreat for 8 AM.  I think I can sum it up by saying everyone had a wonderful time….but I am very glad it is over because I am exhausted!!!  Did I dream about the play at night?  No….I dreamed about the retreat…night after night…and it was one disaster after another!!!  The very last dream I had, the fellowship hall was flooded by a foot of water….and all of our machines and projects were ruined!  Anyway, I left at 3 and came home to unpack, take a nap, have a quick dinner and leave at 5:30 for OPENING NIGHT!!!!  I got another hat finished last night, modeled by one of our stage managers Jason:

It’s easy to get some knitting done, the call is for 6 PM (meaning what time the actors have to be backstage) and Caitlyn and I don’t go on until almost 8:30.  Yes, we have to do hair and make-up and costumes, but that doesn’t take very long.  Although it was a smallish audience (somewhere around 40) they were VERY appreciative and included several of our neighbors.  We were home early (10:15) and sat out on the porch with our drinks and a bowl of popcorn and just enjoyed an hour of talking and relaxing before heading to bed.

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