Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Valor done, Tuscan quilted, AJ

Michael left just after 8 AM for routine doctor’s and chiro’s appointments, while I got my blog out, made my tea and proceeded to work on my Valor quilts again.  I got most of the binding around 1 side before leaving for a luncheon at Red Bowl with our lifestyle group.  I think I’m going to call this the group that never dies….we have another meeting next week at 9 AM….hoping to put together more direction to present to the board…we’ll see how that goes.  Once home it was back to the first Valor quilt (finally finished before I went to bed):

until Carolyn showed up at 3:30.  Carolyn is a resident here in SCCL who is putting together a fund raising STEM (science-technology-engineering-math) event next year for Indian Land Middle School.   She asked if I would donate a quilt…and I said yes….but I wanted to meet with her to make sure we were on the same page since she has only seen my Clinton quilts.  As I had hoped, she fell in LOVE with the strips and curves ‘quilt’ in our living room and wants something similar.  I am over the moon about that as I LOVED making those, but since no one was interested in buying them…I stopped…our wall space is FULL!!  So now I will spend the rest of the year pulling together the 20 – 30 fabrics needed for a new one ( I don't have to have this done until the beginning of June, and pulling together the fabrics definitely takes a lot of time).  After that I spent a bit of time on the phone with Jan.  She was admitted to the hospital on Monday after having a bit of trouble breathing.  They did a bunch of tests and finally sent her home today.  She will meet with her regular doctor tomorrow and hopefully find out what the scoop is.  Her daughter is staying with her overnight tonight, for which I personally am very grateful.  

Michael had dinner after which Larry picked him up for the movies, this time it was GEOSTORM: Weather satellites which control the world’s weather are being hacked by a nefarious villain and Gerard Butler has to stop them.  If you like spaceships/outer space and special effects, this movie is for you.  In addition to excellent special effects, there is a family story and a mysterious who-done-it all rolled into one.   Michael gave it a rating of 3 fat quarters out of 5.   

I continued to work on quilting Tuscan, and by 8:30 that was finally done.  

I was pooped and headed upstairs just to lie on the couch and watch TV until 10:30 when my honey got home. 

I have one more picture…I thought the expression was trying to fill dad’s shoes:

1 comment:

  1. I think AJ is filling in her grandfathers shoes ! What a ham'ster ! Love your 3.5 FAT QTRS out of 5... Is that an original ??? MJnCT


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