Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sandy F's second quilt, hot spot

Michael headed out to the chiro (and Best Buy and the grocery store and the movie theatre) Tuesday morning (10/3), and ended up being very frustrated.  The chiro wasn't open when he stopped at 9:15 and 10 AM and 11:45....we have no idea what happened there!!!  Best Buy no longer carries ink for my printer, and the movies weren't open to buy advance tickets until 11:30!!!  I headed downstairs, determined to get Sandy’s quilt basted.  Did you ever have one of those days where you just want to look at Pinterest all day with maybe a bunch of YOUTUBE quilting videos thrown in?  Well, that was Tuesday for me.  It was a big fight between goof-off-me vs get-something-done-me to keep my nose to the grindstone to get the quilt basted, 

in between checking out dozens of quilt blocks and appetizer recipes on Pinterest.  I finally cranked up my tunes and the quilt was basted by lunchtime  :~):  

So, in addition to my desk being (still!) out of control, my front hallway has been an embarrassment for quite some time.  When I went upstairs to get something to eat, I decided today was the day….so it went from this (the leaning Tower of Pisa…trust me):  

to this:  

Eventually a pizza box will be on top of my mom’s/grandmother’s quilt (filled with a new Thursday project) but NOTHING else!  That space has been bugging me for weeks (months??) and it took 15 minutes to take everything off and find places for it.  Now I won’t have to cringe every time I look over there.  Now, the front bedroom is next on the list as soon as I get home from retreat.  Do you guys have ‘hot spots’ where stuff seems to accumulate?  

I spent the afternoon setting up the program for Sandy’s quilt,  It took a surprisingly long time to get the density just right.  It’s always surprising to me that sometimes I get it right on the second try, and sometimes it take 5 – 6 tries!!  But I do know that the patterns with the higher number of stitches always take longer.  I got 3 rows done in the afternoon (the rows take a very long time to stitch out) and I love the pattern:  

I also worked on stitching out the first of many, many 1/2 square triangles for my new at home project:  

Michael left after 6 PM to pick up Larry to see ‘American Made’, while I stayed downstairs, happily sewing away.


  1. I would have been SOOOO cranky if I were M after all those errand 'issues'... I kept waiting for you to say it went from the 'leaning tower of pisa' to the 'leaning tower of pizza !!! ' MJ in CT


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