Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cookie, BG & Loree with new tumbling blocks, Michael's anniv card to me, champagne

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!!!  Yes, Wednesday (5/28) was our anniversary (or at least it started to be at 4:30PM)….but you have to slog through a bunch of other stories before we get to that one. 

First off….when your tummy feels bummy (she’s had diarrhea for 1-12/ days, there’s no place better to snuggle than on dad’s jacket:
And of course, we have to have the daily tumbling blocks update:


Bg's #4

Loree's # 5



I had an early morning appointment in Ballentyne Wednesday....a friend had one last week and it took him an HOUR to get to’s only 9 miles away, but there is mucho traffic in the mornings due to a local bridge being closed.  So I left at 5 til 8 for a 9 AM appt....and I get to Ballentyne at 8:15!!!!  No traffic at all….sailed right through.  Now, I used to stop at Wendy’s on Thursday’s to get a 99 cent egg/sausage burrito to take to quilting for breakfast.  Well, Wendy’s stopped serving breakfast and I tried Bojangles once….it was too greasy, too expensive…too something…so I didn’t go there again.  Then I remembered how a friend told me about this great breakfast sandwich at our Indian Land Harris Teeter (a local grocery store)so…I go into the teeter in Ballentyne to get one.....AND THEY DON"T MAKE THEM!!!!!  Instead...this is one of the Taj Teeters (as in Taj Mahal) and they have a hot breakfast bar....which was kind of bummy 'cause I was looking forward to the sandwich....but the good news is that I had the BEST bacon I think I've ever had in my life!!!!   It was yummy...along with eggs w/ cheese and a biscuit with sausage gravy that I got.  I wandered on over to the cheese kiosk afterwards, but guess it was too early for June (fellow quilter) to be at work.  I finally made it to the doctor’s appointment with 15 minutes to spare.  I went for my shoulder, which has been not perfect for at least 3 years, but since it wasn’t really impacting my life on a daily basis, I ignored it.  About 2 months ago it really started to go downhill to the point where it hurts 24/7, and is drastically impacting my ability to get a good night’s sleep (due to the pain).  The good news is, the doctor thinks with a cortisone shot, some anti-inflammatories and some physical therapy, it will be good.  If it is still hurting in 4 – 6 weeks, I am supposed to call him, otherwise I’m good.  I got home and started to iron fabric and get it cut out for our charity pillow case day at quilting on Thursday.  Around 3 PM I call Jan to see if she wants to ride along to CVS to pick up my prescription.  As I am dashing through the store, I see an employee stocking cards and I remember that I signed into the doctor’s office with a 5/28/2014 date and I stop short and say ‘OH CR-P…today is my anniversary!!!”  Last week I KNEW that today was the day….but that was the last time I thought about it…I bought a card, filled it out and sealed it and headed on home after dropping off Jan.  Michael was in the living room when I came through the kitchen and I saw the mail which he had opened containing an anniversary card from friends of ours.  He totally forgot himself and as he was reading the card, he said ‘oh…cr-p…what is today…is it the 26th?  is it the 28th (‘cause he never remembers the actual date).  We laughed and laughed about this and decided it was just one more example of why we are perfect for one another.  When I went downstairs, I saw the greeting card he improvised for me. 

In case they are too small to read, the 'happy' was on my main sewing machine,
and 'anniversary' was spelled out all across the long arm

I changed our dinner from pierogi’s to champagne

and shrimp scampi (thanks to some garlic I grabbed at Paula's).  Dinner was great, and I ran up to the teeter right after to snag a 5 layer piece of chocolate cake that we split with some ice cream.  Nine perfect years of wedded bliss, preceeded by 2 perfect years of unwedded bliss!  We’ve both decided that we will actually mark our calendars for next year's anniversary and we’ll actually do something for the big 10….at least dinner out!  We snuggled on the couch and watched TV for the rest of our wonderful anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfectly lovely anniversary. Congratulations to you both! I'm glad to see that you are still having a blast. You have my best wishes!


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