Wednesday, May 21, 2014

another baby sweater

I spent Monday morning (5/19) getting caught up on all of my internet activities, but left at 10 AM for the volunteer meeting.  The meeting only took about a 1/2 hour, and after a quick lunch, Jan picked me up and we headed out to do errands.  I visited the long arm store and took a bunch of pictures to finish up the last bit of wiring for my machine, then Jan and I drove to a medical supply place in Rock Hill as she needed a button holer.  We were home by 2 (as was my honey with an 86 for a golf score, despit his THREE triple bogeys!)  We talked for a bit, then I read my book for a bit.  Neither one of us was very hungry for dinner, so we just had a snack before heading up to bocce.  We won one and lost one and had a great time with the other team.  We got home at 9 and I sewed until 10:30 while Michael watched the finale of THE AMAZING RACE (the team he was rooting for….won!!!)  Then we watched a couple of repeat BIG BANGS before bed.
We tried a new place for breakfast (Cruisin’ Ruebens) on Tuesday (5/20) and it was excellent…of course we saw a lot of other SCCL folks there.  Michael dropped me off at home and then took off to run a bunch of errands.  Nancy H. came by around 10 and we got to visit until almost 1.  I got all of the blocks sewn into rows for my latest charity quilt, and I think I will take them to quilting on Thursday and sew all of the rows together.  Nancy was most impressed with the long arm (she is an old pro with long arms) and we have decided that…if it hasn’t already happened before then…she will come to my house next Tuesday and we will FIRE IT UP!!!!!  So…before she comes, I need to get my leaders made and attached (this is fabric that is permanently attached to the rollers and you pin your backing to it)and make sure my clamps are all at the same length…and sew together my leftover batting.  I am very excited that I will have an experienced long arm quilter right by my side J.  I got a smoothie made for lunch just in time for Joanne to pick me up and head to Stitch & Chat.  The baby sweater I’ve been working on is FINALLY within 1/2 an hour of being finished (YAY!!) and when I came home I started in earnest to find fabric for my leaders.  I had leftover lasagna for dinner, and Larry picked up Michael at 6 PM to go see GODZILLA  at the movies, and I wove (YAY!) while he was gone.  I got 7 more inches done on my scarves and when Michael came home we watched a bit of TV and I finally (FINALLY!) finished the baby sweater:
This is probably the 7th baby sweater I have done in the same pattern…but I discovered (when I tried to teach someone else recently) that I really was putting my increases in the wrong place, and I wanted to see if it made a difference.  I must have ripped out parts of this sweater 4 – 5 times.  I would be knitting along…not thinking about what I was doing, and I would revert back to my old way of increasing…then RIP!  So, finally it is finished and hopefully I have converted to doing the second set of increases in the correct place.

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