Friday, May 3, 2013

quiche, quilting 'stuff', Cookie & Elsie

I was up early Thursday (5/2) to get 2 quiches started to take to quilting. 
 Yes, I used a giant burrito shell for my crust…less calories, and less fat and easier to work with!  I mixed up the egg/milk/spices mix and put it in a separate container to take with me. 
Michael thought it would be cute to take a picture of all of the stuff I drag to quilting on any given Thursday…and this picture does not even include my machine…and whatever I was working on!  Egg cartons are for our members who have their own chickens and are always looking for cartons and the plastic bags are any extras I have that go to the local food bank, while the yellow folder is what I carry all of my secretary stuff in:

 Anyway, what a productive morning and early afternoon…I got the remaining blocks for a new charity quilt sewn.  I started the blocks at the Fiber Floozie retreat, so was glad to get them finished.  Now they just need a quick trim and I will give them to Michael to lay out in whatever pattern he chooses.  I got home around 2 PM and was so tired (I haven’t been sleeping well at night) that I took a nap while Michael and Cookie went for a walk.  We had a chiro appointment when they got back and after that it was a bit of paperwork (this was going on behind me while I was on the computer): 

before leaving to have dinner with Joanne & Larry at a new Italian restaurant nearby.  Our dinners were great, and Michael left directly from the restaurant to go to a showing of “WAIT, WAIT, DON”T TELL ME” at a local theatre, while Joanne and Larry gave me a ride home.  Joanne came down for a bit of knitting and socializing after dinner, and when she left I continued to work on the collar of my entrelac sweater.  Michael got home around 10:30 and we talked for a bit before heading to bed.

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