Thursday, September 13, 2012

roses, burger, hot pink snowflakes

Jan picked me up early on Wednesday (9/12) and we headed off to theVerizon store to get her phone fixed.  Now, the Verizon store just happens to be right next to the new Krispy Kreme donut shop…so we just HAD to stop in….right?  One donut (apiece!) later, we went to the store, got her phone fixed and headed to the farmer’s market.  I got some peaches, tomatoes, eggplant and some smoked pulled pork.  I’ve always wanted to try the BBQ from the one vendor, but normally I’m on my bike and this guy’s stuff doesn’t fit in my milk crate….but since Jan was driving we had plenty of room.  Jan dropped me off and I put some lentil and split pea and barley together in my crockpot for soup.  I have a friend who just had surgery and can’t have any bread or meat for several weeks…and she likes beans, so I thought she’d like this soup.  I told her I would DEFINITELY make homemade bread for her when she can finally have it again…I didn’t want her to break her bread fast with skucky store bought stuff  J.  I spent an hour downstairs going through my stash for Halloween fabric for a new project…and I have NONE!!!  So, I put in a quick call to Jan and we headed to Joann’s to get something to sew at quilting tomorrow.  We also made a quick stop at BB&B (bed, bath and beyond) before heading home again.  By the time I got there, Michael was home from golf (with a nice 85, even though he said the course was in poor shape) and he sat out on the porch going over his lines (have I mentioned that he is in another play?  It comes up mid to late October and is called THE SENATOR WORE PANTYHOSE).  I saw these gorgeous flowers in the living room….from our rose bushes that are on the side of the house: 

I got a loaf of artisan bread baked, and we dropped it off at Sally and Jimmy’s on the way to Nancy’s to drop off the soup.  We got home around 6 to make our own dinner.  We grilled burgers for the FIRST time this summer (I truly don’t know where the time goes).  The burgers were MASSIVE (part of the problem was that I was just too busy to make buns for us, and the ones we got were larger than the ones I generally make)….so I didn’t make any macaroni sides to go with them:

 I worked a little on the snowflakes in the evening and finally finished the next set:

I had a LOT of trouble with these, and I think it is because I’ve just discovered my iron is not heating up the way it used to (maybe it needs to go through menopause….I’m sure it would heat right up!)  Anyway, I finally got them finished.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm not sure which had me drooling more -- the beautiful flowers, the burger, or the snowflakes...


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