Michael left Saturday
(9/8) morning for his art class and eventually returned home with this:

The instructor brought
along her picture of pumpkins, and the class was supposed to re-create it (of course Michael changed it a bit). He said it was a very interesting class; he
enjoyed it, but is not sure he is ready to take up acrylic painting just
yet! I cleaned up the house and putzed a
bit until a couple people came over to visit. I gave away some of the peanut
brittle I made again on Thursday, so that I won’t feel compelled to eat all of
it myself! I also got raspberry squares
made and 3 loaves of artisan bread. One
loaf went over to Jimmy & Sally, and the other 2 loaves went over to Ann
and Bryce’s house for our neighborhood dinner.
And what a FABULOUS dinner it was: BBQ boneless ribs, mashed potatoes,
salad (with caramelized walnuts), broccoli casserole and a light and creamy
lemon dessert….YUM!!! It was a very nice evening sharing dinner and talking with all of our immediate neighbors.
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