Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dorothy, sticky buns, me & mpd, hair, hot pink snowflakes

We were both up at 6 AM on Saturday (9/22) morning.

Michael had to leave at 8 to get trained for a golf tournament where he is scoring, and I had to bake a cake for Dorothy’s birthday.  Barrie came over at 9 to give me some tips on frosting it (and brought her adorable 3 year old son Cooper) and of course…her cake looked much better than any I have done in the past.  I got the kitchen cleaned up, my lunch packed, and a good head start on Killer Pecan Sticky buns before leaving to pick up a borrowed car, and then to pick of Gladys (another friend of Dorothy’s) and heading off to her assisted living place.  There were 13 – 14 guests there and Dorothy seemed very surprised and happy to see everyone.  

We all brought our own lunches, then had the chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert.  She opened presents, and then there was a little skit done by the Performing Arts Club (of which Dorothy was a member).  Gladys and I got home around 2 and I put together the dough for sticky buns.  By the time Michael came home from golf, I was baking my last loaf of Artisan bread and rolling out the sticky buns.  The minute the bread was done, we packed it up, along with one pan of sticky buns and headed over to Sally and Jimmy’s.  We had a really nice visit with them, and I collected a bunch of my dishes before heading back home to a quiet dinner.  I spent the evening in the studio, working on my latest project….hopefully pictures within the next few weeks.

Sunday morning (9/23) I baked our pan of sticky buns: 


then it was back to the salt mines…slaving over a hot sewing machine until it was time to get cleaned up and head out to the awards ceremony.  Michael was nominated for his stint playing about 35 different characters in ’39 steps’….I won’t keep you in suspense….he didn’t win L (although he absolutely should have).  He still looked FABULOUS in his tux:
and he loved how my hair for the evening turned out (for those of you who continue to wonder why I grow my hair so long):
We got home at 11 and fell into bed.

Monday morning (9/24) Michael was up early to go golfing and I headed down to the studio.  I got my quilt top all sewn together and pressed (be patient, I will have pictures after the quilt is given as a gift).  Jan picked me up at 10 and we went to Stallings to pick up our machines (in for repair).  We were home by 1 and I got the backing for the quilt pieced, sewn and pressed.  I will be taking it to Nancy’s tomorrow…she offered to quilt it.  While it is gone, I’ll be making the binding and a label so that when I get it back, it will hopefully just a day or two until completely finished and given.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening (Michael had rehearsal ) working on the disappearing 4 patch we learned last week in quilting.


Tuesday morning (9/25) I spent with Nancy and Tuesday afternoon I spent at Stitch and Chat.  Michael left for rehearsal around 6 and I spent the evening working on the disappearing 4 patch.  And somewhere over the last 5 days….I completed a second set of the hot pink snowflakes:


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