Monday, September 3, 2012

Michael & Cookie

We were up early Sunday to get bacon started for our pancake and bacon breakfast.  We left around 9:30 to hit Joann’s and Best Buy, (with an unexpected stop at Office Depot) and did not get home until 1 PM.  Ellen and Terry stopped by to buy one of my small purses, and after a quick lunch, I put together pasta dough.  It rested for 30 minutes, then Michael and I made the noodles and again…it was a very fast and very enjoyable experience.    I cleaned up the kitchen a little and as I was heading to the studio again, I couldn’t resist showing you what Michael and Cookie spent most of the afternoon doing: 
come on mom, we're trying to watch golf here!

ooo, that was a good shot!


Cookie thinks she is a cat and has taken to walking along (and relaxing on) the backs of the sofas. 

I had another 1/2 hour to sew, then it was back to the kitchen to pull the rest of dinner together.  I made blitz bread (kind of like focaccia), peach cobbler, and the sage butter sauce for the pasta.  Our friends showed up around 6 and loved the dinner, and the playing of cards afterwards!  It was a very enjoyable evening.

1 comment:

  1. That's one agile little dog you've got there...Does the cat feel put out that she doesn't have a perch all to herself? Come to think of it, I do think the dog gets way more camera time than the cat!!


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