Saturday (9/29) went by
in a blur. Michael left for golf (coming
home with an 83, and a birdie J) and I spent the morning and early afternoon volunteering
at the Indian Land Fall Festival. I came
home and said good-bye to my honey (who with Phil headed back to Longview where
he has been scoring the golf tournament.
This time, the 2 of them were just golf groupies!) I got to relax for 1/2 an hour before getting
cleaned up and gathering my music before the guys picked me up before 4 PM. We were playing and singing at Winthrop as they
were celebrating 100 years of classes. It
was a fun gig, but by the time they dropped me off around 9 PM, I was beat and
just sat on the couch until bedtime.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
beef enchiladas, yoghurt, measuring for ice cream, hand cream, coffee cake
Friday morning (9/28)
was a very productive morning in the kitchen.
Michael left early for his last round of scoring at a golf tournament
and I got 3 pans of beef enchiladas put together:
yoghurt started in the
It was 11:30 by the
time I finally finished cleaning up, so I headed downstairs for a marathon of
knitting. I finished one necklace and
got another one strung with beads. I
went upstairs around 4 to bake 2 coffee cakes, and while they were baking, got
to sit out on the porch and visit with Susan (neighbor) for awhile:
Michael came home from his second day of
scoring totally exhausted….so he took a quick nap and an even quicker shower
and we packed up one of the coffee cakes while still warm (and a pan of enchiladas) and headed off for a
visit with Sally and Jimmy. Jimmy’s
first week of chemo/radiation is over and he is still doing wonderfully
well. After our visit, we sped up to
Nancy’s to pick up a quilt she had quilted for me (pictures next week) and then
beat the rain home for grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and knitting in the evening
while watching TV.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday morning (9/27)
Jan picked me up for quilting. We
decided to bite the bullet and rip out sections of our ‘flip and sew’ table
runner, since we started to go a little off course when we were sewing it last
time. I also got a necklace knitted…just
have to put the clasps on it. I usually
finish a bunch of necklaces and then do all of the clasps at once. In the afternoon I worked a bit on the back of the 4-patch, and did a
little knitting in the evening while Michael was at rehearsal.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday morning
(9/26) Michael left at 7 for the golf tournament. Beth and I walked, then I headed up to the
last farmer’s market for this year. I
picked up a watermelon for Jan and Walt, and some very late butter & sugar
corn…..we had it for dinner and Michael thought it was AWESOME! Especially for late September, and especially
down here when the growing season for corn should be long past. I spent the rest of the day working in the
studio. The daughter of a friend has a
website and she is featuring artists that she knows. I spent a lot of time getting pictures taken
and write ups done for a lot of my items.
I’ll let you know when she starts displaying. As I mentioned, we had the corn for dinner,
then Michael left for rehearsal and I went back to the studio and back to the
disappearing 4 patch. Contrary to my
belief…you actually CAN sew it together incorrectly….so I spent 2 hours ripping
out a row L.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Dorothy, sticky buns, me & mpd, hair, hot pink snowflakes
We were both up at 6 AM
on Saturday (9/22) morning.
Michael had to leave at
8 to get trained for a golf tournament where he is scoring, and I had to bake a
cake for Dorothy’s birthday. Barrie came
over at 9 to give me some tips on frosting it (and brought her adorable 3 year
old son Cooper) and of course…her cake looked much better than any I have done
in the past. I got the kitchen cleaned
up, my lunch packed, and a good head start on Killer Pecan Sticky buns before leaving
to pick up a borrowed car, and then to pick of Gladys (another friend of
Dorothy’s) and heading off to her assisted living place. There were 13 – 14 guests there and Dorothy
seemed very surprised and happy to see everyone.
We all brought our own
lunches, then had the chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert. She opened presents, and then there was a
little skit done by the Performing Arts Club (of which Dorothy was a member). Gladys and I got home around 2 and I put
together the dough for sticky buns. By
the time Michael came home from golf, I was baking my last loaf of Artisan
bread and rolling out the sticky buns.
The minute the bread was done, we packed it up, along with one pan of
sticky buns and headed over to Sally and Jimmy’s. We had a really nice visit with them, and I
collected a bunch of my dishes before heading back home to a quiet dinner. I spent the evening in the studio, working on
my latest project….hopefully pictures within the next few weeks.
Sunday morning (9/23) I baked our pan of sticky buns:
then it was back to the
salt mines…slaving over a hot sewing machine until it was time to get cleaned
up and head out to the awards ceremony.
Michael was nominated for his stint playing about 35 different
characters in ’39 steps’….I won’t keep you in suspense….he didn’t win L (although he absolutely should have). He still looked FABULOUS in his tux:
and he loved how my hair for the evening turned out (for those of you who continue to wonder why I grow my hair so long):
We got home at 11 and fell into bed.
Monday morning (9/24)
Michael was up early to go golfing and I headed down to the studio. I got my quilt top all sewn together and
pressed (be patient, I will have pictures after the quilt is given as a gift). Jan picked me up at 10 and we went to
Stallings to pick up our machines (in for repair). We were home by 1 and I got the backing for
the quilt pieced, sewn and pressed. I
will be taking it to Nancy’s tomorrow…she offered to quilt it. While it is gone, I’ll be making the binding
and a label so that when I get it back, it will hopefully just a day or two
until completely finished and given.
I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening (Michael had rehearsal ) working on the disappearing 4 patch we learned last week in quilting.
Tuesday morning (9/25)
I spent with Nancy and Tuesday afternoon I spent at Stitch and Chat. Michael left for rehearsal around 6 and I
spent the evening working on the disappearing 4 patch. And somewhere over the last 5 days….I
completed a second set of the hot pink snowflakes:
Saturday, September 22, 2012
disappearing 4 patch, Halloween table topper
Thursday morning (9/20)
Michael and Larry left for the second day of the SCCL golf tournament, and I
picked up Nancy and we headed off to quilting.
We had a class on the ‘disappearing 4 patch’ and it was terrific. With a few simple steps, we were able to
create a very complicated looking block.
I did mine with just 2 colors, but Nancy worked on creating an Amish
type quilt with black tone-on-tone fabric and many colors of fabric paired to
the black. All of the colors she used
were previously handed dyed by her and her daughter, and they were stunning. You start with this:
Friday morning I got to
walk with Beth before my hair appointment at 9 AM. I got home in time to grab my knitting, along
with 1/2 a bagel before heading out to Michael’s appointment to check up on his
hearing aids. When we were finished, he
took me out to lunch at Donatos (score!) where he had a very unusual
pizza. He does like Hawaiian pizza
(which is ham and pineapple) and they had that flavor, but it also had almonds
and cinnamon on it. He decided to try it
and really liked it.
We finally went
sofa shopping on the way home. Our love
seat in the media room really needs to be replaced….all of the springs/stuffing
on Michael’s side are gone and it is really hurting his back. So….we went to La-Z-Boy on the way home to
look at a few loveseats. We found one
Michael really liked, and we brought home a color swatch to make sure it wouldn’t
clash with the walls. We both loved it….so
we will go back on Sunday to order it.
We had Sloppy Joes for dinner and I knit and we watched TV in the
An exciting update!!
Several months ago qt quilting, Floy taught a table topper class. I did one in
Christmas fabrics...but it is not yet quilted…sigh. Two weeks ago, a group of ladies brought in
Halloween ones they had finished…and they were in a mini-size… cute! Jan and I immediately decided we HAD to do
them…and that is what I’ve been working on.
I mailed them out Wednesday (although I DO have 2 more tops to finish quilting) to Ginny and Leila (2 friends who are simply
MAD about Halloween ) and they both got them on Friday….what a surprise…I’m
glad I can now post the picture in the blog:
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Michael got up at 5:30
AM on Wednesday (9/19) to get ready for the first day of his golf tournament. I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up at
6… a lot done before I picked up Jan at 10. We stopped at WALMART to buy irons, dropped
off our machines in Stallings, went quilt fabric shopping at the shop located
just next door J, had lunch at Chili’s and finally made it back home around
2. I worked on the snowflakes a bit in
the afternoon and got my strips cut for class on Thursday morning. We invited Bryce over for dinner (since Ann
is out of town) and I made sloppy joes and sweet potato fries (seasoned with
rosemary and orange peel). I was very
tired in the evening and knit a bit before reading a bit of my book and heading
to bed.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
ruffle-y scarves
Tuesday morning (9/18) Nancy
came over and I finally sat down and sewed in the ends on a bunch of scarves I
have finished over the past several weeks.
You know I take my knitting everywhere with me and try to get it done a
little at a time? Well, it is surprising
how much those little bits of time add up.
I went back to knitting on the ruffle-y scarves about 5 weeks ago…and
Tuesday morning I sewed in the ends on 11 new ones!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Michael left for golf Monday
morning (9/17) shortly before I left for a walk with Beth…and we both got home
within 1/2 an hour of each other as the rains poured in! I spent a lot of time in the studio working
on various items (but mostly my Halloween stuff) until my sewing machine
started acting up L. I need to get it
into the shop for a tune-up and I’m hoping that can happen on Wednesday. I had a visit from one of my quilting buddies
and she bought a snowflake. She thought
all of them were beautiful and also thought people would be crazy not to buy
them….hope she’s right! I got another
set of snowflakes fused and cut out before the end of the evening. Michel left for rehearsal around 6 and I knit
for most of the evening until he got home.
Monday, September 17, 2012
dough in bowl, dough in bread pan, pizza
The weather has been
much better lately…not as hot during the day and cooling off quite a bit at
night, so our bike ride Sunday morning (9/16) was very nice. We had breakfast on the deck afterwards, then
I headed to the studio to keep working on Halloween and Michael spent time
working on his lines. He made a sandwich
for us to share at lunch, and mentioned that we were almost out of bread, so
when he left for rehearsal around 2, I headed upstairs to make sandwich
bread. Isn’t this a great picture:
Luckily, I still had
dough left over from artisan bread making, so I didn’t have to make a separate
dough for our dinner pizza:
Sunday, September 16, 2012
caprese on toothpicks, parmesan crisps
We had a quick
breakfast Friday (9/14) morning and headed to the grocery store. I’ve recently gotten back into couponing, partially
because we live in a very poor area of South Carolina plus, there’s a food bank
conveniently located a short distance away.
I had a GREAT score Friday, my bill was originally $104.26, but I ended
up paying just $34.62….WHOO HOO!!! Most
of the stuff we bought will be donated…so I feel really good about that. A lot of the shelves at the store were empty
because they were doing inventory, but Martha (everyone’s favorite check-out
clerk, including mine!) told me they would re-stock tonight, so hopefully I’ll try
again tomorrow morning. I spent the
afternoon working on Halloween stuff and at 3 PM went up to shower and make
‘caprese salad’ (mozzarella/basil/tomato) on a toothpick:
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday morning (9/13)
I was up early to get all of the fabric cut for Jan’s and my Halloween
project. A friend of Michael’s called
him for golf and he headed out just after I left for quilting. Jan got her entire project done….I decided I
needed to change one of the colors in mine, so I worked on it in the
afternoon. Michael came home with an 84
in golf, and we talked for a bit in the afternoon before having a quick dinner,
taking Cookie over to Grammy Jan’s, picking up Phil and Gale and heading into
Charlotte for the theatre. We saw a
production of A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM, where a friend of
Michael’s played the part he played last year at Fort Mill. Yes…I KNOW I’m prejudiced….but I truly
believe the Fort Mill production was much better J. We picked up Cookie at 11 PM, and went home
and fell into bed.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
roses, burger, hot pink snowflakes
Jan picked me up early
on Wednesday (9/12) and we headed off to theVerizon store to get her phone
fixed. Now, the Verizon store just
happens to be right next to the new Krispy Kreme donut shop…so we just HAD to
stop in….right? One donut (apiece!) later,
we went to the store, got her phone fixed and headed to the farmer’s
market. I got some peaches, tomatoes,
eggplant and some smoked pulled pork. I’ve
always wanted to try the BBQ from the one vendor, but normally I’m on my bike
and this guy’s stuff doesn’t fit in my milk crate….but since Jan was driving we
had plenty of room. Jan dropped me off
and I put some lentil and split pea and barley together in my crockpot for
soup. I have a friend who just had
surgery and can’t have any bread or meat for several weeks…and she likes beans,
so I thought she’d like this soup. I
told her I would DEFINITELY make homemade bread for her when she can finally
have it again…I didn’t want her to break her bread fast with skucky store
bought stuff J. I spent an hour
downstairs going through my stash for Halloween fabric for a new project…and I
have NONE!!! So, I put in a quick call
to Jan and we headed to Joann’s to get something to sew at quilting
tomorrow. We also made a quick stop at
BB&B (bed, bath and beyond) before heading home again. By the time I got there, Michael was home from
golf (with a nice 85, even though he said the course was in poor shape) and he
sat out on the porch going over his lines (have I mentioned that he is in
another play? It comes up mid to late
October and is called THE SENATOR WORE PANTYHOSE). I saw these gorgeous flowers in the living
room….from our rose bushes that are on the side of the house:
I had a LOT of trouble
with these, and I think it is because I’ve just discovered my iron is not
heating up the way it used to (maybe it needs to go through menopause….I’m sure
it would heat right up!) Anyway, I
finally got them finished.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday (9/10) seemed to
go by in a blur. Michael left for
golfing (coming home later with an 84, not too shabby!) and in the morning, Jan
and I went to an estate sale. The woman
was a caterer and a quilter…I kept saying ‘this is what my house is going to
look like when I go J’. I purposely went
on the last day of the sale so as not to be tempted by all of the stuff in the
pictures….I picked up a few custard cups and a cookbook…spent $5.50 and loved
what I got. In the afternoon I had to
report for jury duty. I drove 30
minutes, sat for an hour, and then drove 30 minutes home. After that I went up to the golf club with
Michael and I knit while he attended a meeting.
We hit the grocery store afterwards, and by the time I got home at 5, I
just wanted to put on my jammies and sit…unfortunately, we had a square dance,
so I had to go up to the Lake House for an hour to collect $$$. When I came home, I just SAT!
Tuesday (9/11) was
another whirlwind day. I spent the
morning with Nancy (she made her first 2 loaves of artisan bread and they were
FABULOUS…well, of course we had to try them….we had to make sure they were good
for everyone else….right?) Tuesday
afternoon I spent a couple of hours at Stitch ‘n’ Chat and Tuesday evening, Jan
and Walt and Michael and I went to see a movie….HOPE SPRINGS….it was great.
Monday, September 10, 2012
charity quilt
Sunday (9/9) was a very
relaxing day…I made 2 loaves of cinnamon bread (and gave one to Jan and Walt)
and Michael cooked up potatoes/onions to go with our eggs. We had a lot of drop in company in the
afternoon and finally at 3:30 I got back to sewing on the charity quilt. Finally around 8 I got all of the rows sewed together:
After that, I just relaxed and watched TV with my honey.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
mpd painting
Michael left Saturday
(9/8) morning for his art class and eventually returned home with this:
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Since Michael won’t be
golfing on Saturday (taking an acrylic painting class instead) he decided to
hook up with some guys and go on Friday.
He came home with a SCORTCHING 78!!!
He was very pleased. I spent the
entire day in the studio, working on knitting and the new snowflakes and the
charity quilt. I made a new stir fry SESAME
CHICKEN for dinner that Michael pronounced excellent and we snuggled on the
couch and watched some of our special shows in the evening.
I forgot to tell you that when I came down to my desk earlier this week…this is what I found:
My honey surprised me with another
beautiful bloom from my sadly neglected bushes.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday morning (9/6)
Nancy picked up Jan and then me and we headed off for a ladies day out at
quilting. We got to sit together and
talk and talk while we were sewing.
Since it was the first Thursday of the month, everyone brought in food
and it was INCREDIBLE!!! We rolled out
to the car around 1 Pm and headed for home.
I spent the afternoon getting back to my new snowflakes, and continuing
to work on the charity quilt that is still on the design wall. Michael and I had a HUGE but calorie friendly
dinner (we’ve both decided to lose a few pounds!) I had thawed out some pesto (and I make it
with fat free Italian dressing) and I heated it up along with 2 huge, diced
fresh tomatoes. We each had 2 ounces of
spaghetti, spread out on the plate and covered with the sauce. We were both stuffed after dinner, for very
few calories, so that was good! Michael
watched some blow-up-something-every-five-minutes movie upstairs, while I
continued to sew downstairs in the evening.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday (9/5) morning
I headed up to the farmer’s market and got a few peaches, some tomatoes,
another melon (they have been SO GOOD!) and some baby butternut squashes that
were so cute I couldn’t resist them! I
spent the rest of the day in the studio and as of bedtime…I was finished
making the 72 blocks that I need for my new project (YAY!!!!!). I am setting them aside because now other
people need to do some work on them, and am going back to sewing together the
charity quilt that is still partially on the design wall.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday morning (9/4)
Nancy came over for a visit and both of us were VERY productive…I continued to
sew on quilt squares, while she knitted on a new lace shawl. She left around NOON and I continued to sew
for a bit before heading up to Stitch ‘n’ Chat.
I only stayed for an hour, hit the grocery store, and then headed home
again. I spent the afternoon sewing,
until Jan and Walt showed up after dinner.
Walt and Michael and Larry took off to see THE BOURNE
something-or-other, while Jan and I were productive in the studio downstairs
(along with our ‘baby).
![]() |
what do you want to do now gramma? ooooo - Jeopardy is on!! BORING!!! I saw this one before. |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday (9/3) was a very
relaxing day…I spent most of it in the studio, working on my new project….I
just kept pushing myself to keep working and by the time I went to bed, I had
33 blocks done J. Michael spent a
lot of the day putting together this:
and this:
Monday, September 3, 2012
Michael & Cookie
We were up early Sunday
to get bacon started for our pancake and bacon breakfast. We left around 9:30 to hit Joann’s and Best
Buy, (with an unexpected stop at Office Depot) and did not get home until 1
PM. Ellen and Terry stopped by to buy
one of my small purses, and after a quick lunch, I put together pasta dough. It rested for 30 minutes, then Michael and I
made the noodles and again…it was a very fast and very enjoyable experience. I
cleaned up the kitchen a little and as I was heading to the studio again, I
couldn’t resist showing you what Michael and Cookie spent most of the afternoon
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come on mom, we're trying to watch golf here! |
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ooo, that was a good shot! |
Cookie thinks she is a
cat and has taken to walking along (and relaxing on) the backs of the
I had another 1/2 hour
to sew, then it was back to the kitchen to pull the rest of dinner
together. I made blitz bread (kind of
like focaccia), peach cobbler, and the sage butter sauce for the pasta. Our friends showed up around 6 and loved the
dinner, and the playing of cards afterwards!
It was a very enjoyable evening.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Saturday morning (9/1) Michael
left early for golfing on our course, and I got sandwich bread put together
before heading down to the studio.
Finally by 1 PM I finished up the next set of purses….I have 11 breast
cancer purses ready to be embroidered when someone orders them. I’m going to set aside my other craft fair
sewing in order to pull together a secret project. It’s going to be a big one, but I am going to
work on it furiously and hopefully pull it together in a month or less…so you
won’t have to wait that long to see it.
I can’t write about it because some people in SCCL are reading the blog
and I don’t want the word to get out…I really want it to be a surprise for the
recipient. Michael came home from golf
and again, said the temps and humidity were brutal….he was very upset about a
triple bogey on a par 3….but he still shot 81!!!!! I think he should be very happy with
that. He timed his homecoming perfectly,
the bread came out of the oven about 15 minutes before he got here.
I took 1/2 a loaf down
to a neighbor to thank her for helping with our dogs (you can see how I make
one loaf into 2 small loaves right in the pan)…and Michael and I worked on
demolishing the other 1/2 . He made
rigatoni for dinner and I continued to work on secret until around 8, when I
went upstairs to knit and watch TV together.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I felt like Friday (8/31)
flew by, with not a lot to show for it!
Michael had special golf coupons that the 8 of them (his golfing group) and
was excited to use them, but they couldn’t get a tee time until 1 PM. When I finally got to see him again at 8 PM,
he said it was BRUTAL. The temps were in
the 90’s and they all suffered to some extent with the drain in energy that
produces. I spent the morning in the
studio, trying to finish the next set of breast cancer purses. Connie came over around 12:30 and we talked
knitting and visited for a bit. I
cleaned up the house a bit and took off for the airport at 3 to pick up Jan and
Walt, home from Salt Lake City visiting their son. Traffic was brutal on the way home…it took us
over 1-1/2 hours to get home, when it should normally take about 40
minutes. I dumped them out at their
house, ran home to feed and take out the dog, then jumped back in the car for a
trip to Matthews for a band rehearsal. I
asked Mark if we could do my songs first, so luckily I got to leave early and
was home by 8. Michael and I just relaxed for the rest of
the evening.
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