Wednesday, October 9, 2019

snowball sewing begins, AJ

My honey was up and out early Tuesday morning (10/8) to take the car in for servicing.  I got through my emails and got my blog out before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  We talked for almost 1-1/2 hours and got caught up on everything!!  By then my honey was home and he proceeded to tweak the snowball block positions so that I could begin to sew them together.  He left for lunch with his golfing pals and I happily began sewing and embroidering:  

We had rotisserie chicken and broccoli for dinner, and I continued sewing until 8 PM.  

Michael made popcorn and we watched YESTERDAY, a rental from REDBOX.  What a terrific movie…..and because he got the BLURAY disk, there were loads of extras, which kept us up until after 11 PM!!  

J&D in NC

Janice here - Three more scrap blocks that went together as leaders and enders.  And as a side note, the striped fabric in each of the backgrounds was leftovers from pillows I remember making for my daughters' bedrooms at least 20 years ago!!! Not only does it feel good to use it now for a good cause,  I had some wonderful happy memories of the project I made with it last time  (and also how freaking old I am getting and how long I hold onto pretty fabric...)

PS - Pat and I embroidered a t-shirt that was perfect for Leila (who loves all things Halloween)....she's already received it and LOVES it:

PPS - And more cuteness:

mountain climbing

like father, like daughter

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