Thursday, October 3, 2019

new customer quilt started

If there was one thing they stressed over and over at the hospital, it was that Michael was to do NOTHING with his right hand for 2 days.  Now, it’s really hard to remember that…especially when you are right handed and do everything with it.  They mentioned shifting your weight was a no-no (you know how you put your hand down to push off when shifting on the couch or standing up), so we had to rig up a reminder.  This was my honey Tuesday night and Wednesday all day (10/2):  

But, he made himself gashousers for breakfast and ate out on the lanair, with no help from me (well, I did have to slice the oatmeal bread, but that was it).  

I wanted to get cracking on the newest customer quilt, so that was how I spent my morning.  

I quilted all afternoon and am 1/3 of the way done:  

and after some final tweaking and moving the blocks around, I also got 1 row of my patriotic FPF done:  

We bought a PAPAMURPHY’s pizza on Tuesday, but never ate it, so that was dinner Wednesday:  

and I got my chocolate cups made for food at Thursday quilting:  

filling with chopped pecans (nuts Loree!!!) before adding the caramel

My honey and I just watched TV in the evening…he had a very relaxing day and that was exactly what he was supposed to do!

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