Thursday, October 24, 2019

jelly roll rug, Pam & Melanie in garden, Inez & donuts, no mo' faux sew

My honey had breakfast out on the lanair on Tuesday (10/22):

while BG and I headed once again, to my studio.  BG spent a lot of the day ripping out on her one block wonder:  

She knew 2 of her pieces were too big, so that took her most of the day, and now she just has one more 1/2 row to rip out on the right one:  

She's making the OBW in 4 quadrants and then will border them before sewing together for a king size quilt.

I spent that time quilting on my dragonflies and by dinnertime, was all done:  

Yes, true to ourselves, BG picked purple thread for her quilting and I picked teal  :~).

We got to SKYPE a bit with Janice in the afternoon….she is home from visiting Connecticut for a week, so we got a bit caught up.  And Barb D swung by to check out my studio and pick up her quilt.  

We finally got someone to put up a new porch light...another motion sensor light.  Michael was running a little bit late after helping to do that, so I made him a smurfy grilled cheese sandwich for dinner:

BG also got binding cut for the 5 quilts she has at home to be bound  :~):

My bathroom is now sporting a new look....I have THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RUG IN THE WORLD to stand on:

BG made me a jelly roll rug out of the most perfect jelly roll colors  :~).  

We relaxed in the living room in the evening while Michael was at the movies, BG's faithful companion by her side (or maybe I should say by her neck??):


I felt like I ran Wednesday morning (10/23) from the time I got up until the time I got home at dinnertime and collapsed.  BG and I left for the airport at 7:30 AM.  Yes….it was a little bittersweet, but it seemed like a nice, long visit and we got done everything we had hoped to (and more!!), so I can’t ask for more than that.  Well….I can….but I won’t get it anyway  :~).  

don't I take the best selfies???  NOT!!!

I went straight from the airport to CVS to drop off a prescription, and then on to the Lake House for my guess pass policy meeting.  We had an excellent meeting and when it was over I headed back to CVS to pick up my prescription and to get a flu shot.  When I got home, I called Pam and Melanie and they came over to dig up a bunch of bulbs in our front garden that I wanted to get rid of…and they wanted to plant….win, win!!  

Janice - you'll be happy to know that our front garden looks SO MUCH BETTER!!!

I left while they were still there…heading to the hairdressers to get my hair done and was finally home by 5:45 PM.  I took a short nap on the lanair before having a bite.  I took in another customer quilt after that and finally settled in for TV watching with my honey and got a gauge done on AJ’s yarn.

Two extra pics for your viewing pleasure....Inez got some mini-donuts done in her mini-donut pan from King Arthur Flour.  She said they were yummy.....they certainly look fabulous:

And BG forgot her gift this year at Fiber by now everyone has received their key chain.....STAMP OUT FAUX SEWING!!!

1 comment:

  1. The new jelly roll rug is perfect!! I have to learn how to make just can't get beautiful colors like that with manufactured ones.


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