Sunday, October 20, 2019

and so it begins.....

Saturday morning (10/19) I got my customer quilt loaded and looked at potential threads to use: 

while BG showed me Show and Tell of her one block wonder quilt (she is doing 4 quadrants and then sewing together into a king-sized quilt in the RV....OUTSTANDING!!!!:  

I've never seen one with those diagonal stripes of solid fabric....very neat affect

And she also completed a quilt for her daughter's boyfriend:

Then we dove into our project for this visit:

our GORGEOUS background fabric

and we begin....


we finally got smart and instead of struggling with 5 pieces for each dragonfly, we made single paper patterns for each dragonfly to make it easier to just get the placement/angles correct

June came for a visit and helped us for awhile

now we're using the placement of the paper dragonflies on the right to layout the wall hanging on the left

there was still a LOT of tweaking going on as the wings would stick out, or something had to be lowered or raised a few inches, or there was too much overlap with another dragonfly

almost there.....
We quit around 8 PM and just relaxed and talked for a bit before falling into bed.


  1. Simply amazing! You two are insane, but the hangings are beautiful! Where do you think you will hang it?

  2. After finally getting on my computer and seeing your dragonflies(which are beautiful) and then your extra emails I know your are stressed.


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