Friday, July 19, 2019

SHQ Show & Tell

It was finally not a hundred degrees when we got up on Thursday (7/18), so Michael and Cookie headed out for a walk.  OK… I’m exaggerating about the temperature….but only a little bit unfortunately!  I got my blog out and sewed on binding for just a bit before my honey packed the car and I headed out to quilting.  We had great show and tell today:

I LOVE the quilting Susie had done on this!

Marge's landscape painting is beautiful

bit unfort  Denise found all of these quilt tops in a trunk in her grandmother-in-law's attic (and Susie dated them for her....they range from the 1930's to the 1970's....quite a treasure trove):

And Jerri did this modified 1/2 log cabin for her hubby:

I was a hosting quilter today (meaning you stay a bit later to help put everything away), but was finally home just after 2 PM.  I took the traditional Thursday afternoon nap, and then got a label made when I got up:  

When I came upstairs, it was a boy and his (squished) dog:

I had called Anne and asked her to swing by, but Joanne got there first to show her totally finished baby quilt:  

I love how she puts so many fabric patterns of the same colors together!  

Anne came while Joanne was there, and we gave her a couple of small gift cards, AND the disappearing hourglass blocks I’ve been working on.  

Originally I wanted to make a queen sized quilt (in a pattern I knew she liked) for her bed.  BUT, that’s a pretty big gift in someone’s home without knowing that they will like it, so I decided to give it to her in the ‘block’ stage and let her decide what works in her house.  She took everything home and is trying out the blocks in various rooms!  By the time she left, my sinuses were so stuffed up I was miserable…yes….I’m fighting another respiratory something…and I’m losing!  Michael wanted to watch a bit of TV on his own, so I headed to my studio to continue to work on binding.  I came upstairs around 8:30 to watch TV, have Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup (my drug of choice when I have a cold) and snuggle with my honey.

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