Saturday, July 13, 2019

Pat's new porject, Jan & Cookie, J&D bathroom

I guess I was full of hooey when I thought my sleep issues were not related to the vacation.  I could not get to sleep until after 2 AM on Thursday night, and made myself get up at 6 AM Friday morning (7/12) to try to get back on track.  I spent a long time getting the blog entry pulled together…having lots of pictures always makes the process slower.  Inez wrote me once to ask why sometimes I have captions on the pictures, and sometimes I don’t.  I told her if I’ve already been working on the blog for 45 minutes….captions go out the window and I just post the pictures so it doesn’t take all day  :~).  I did a few other household chores before settling in around 8:30 AM to load up something on my longarm.  Well, that was the plan for the day, but instead I spent my day visiting with 4 different friends…and that was just delightful.  Janice called and we ended up SKYPE-ing for an hour!  It feels like we haven’t talked in forever…so that was just wonderful.  I signed off with Janice and hopped in the golf cart (Michael was out bed shopping in the car, more on that later) and ran 2 errands on the way over to Pat’s.  We spent a long lovely time together, getting all caught up and discussing her latest project:  

I was home by 1 PM to be picked up by Jan to head off for peach milkshakes at Chic-Fil-A.  We also got to talk for a long time, and Jan had some not great news.  Please put her on your prayer list as she has been diagnosed with colon cancer and will be having surgery in a few weeks.  When I know the exact date, I will let you know.  I’m sure that the surgery will be hard on Jan and she needs as many prayers as we can give for her.  

Once Jan and I were done solving the problems of the world and she left for home, I gave Paula a call.  We headed out in the golf cart to pick up and deliver some stuff, and in the meantime got all of our talking done.  By then it was dinnertime and I headed to my studio to start loading up, while Michael made a salad for dinner and sat down to watch a bit of TV.  Well again…that was the plan, but I just couldn’t pull it together…my brain was NOT working at that point….so I just putzed around until 8 when I went upstairs to join my honey!

J&D move to SC

(Janice speaking) One more room ready for visitors...guest bathroom. The pictures and shower curtain were from CT, but actually had to purchase and install the towel bar myself. (And of course purchase new towels...)

And progress has slowed this week because I went and got a Brunswick County LIBRARY CARD,  and have discovered that some days I can just binge read and not do housework at all...:-))

1 comment:

  1. I hope Micheal looks at the sleep Number bed. I love mine. So sorry to hear about Jan, She'll be in my prayers from this nite forward.


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