Tuesday, July 16, 2019

quilts finished, Paula & Doug, video

OK….I think Michael and I are back in the sleep groove….we woke up really refreshed on Monday (7/15) after another great night of sleep, so hopefully I won’t be talking about this anymore  :~).  

He headed out for golf around 8:30, while I headed to the studio.  I putzed and putzed and putzed and finally after a lovely talk with Janice, went to my longarm ready to begin.  Unfortunately, I somehow got some thread caught up in one of the motors and it took me over an hour to get it all unstuck.  I had to be very careful and pull very gently and wiggle it all out because I didn’t want it to break off and be stuck in my motor for good.  But, finally all was well (see the video at the end) and I was finished quilting those 2 small quilts by dinner  :~).  

Paula & Doug:  

I definitely should have taken more than one pic since I didn't get a very good picture of Doug!!

picked us up at 5:30 and we headed off to Hickory Tavern for B1G1 burgers.  

We were home after 7 PM and Michael watched a bit of TV while I headed downstairs to make a little more progress on things.  I finished the binding on one side of my QoV quilt and got it all pressed so that I will be ready to sew on the right side on Tuesday.

I can no longer even read the headlines anymore.  When the current occupant of the White House says to American-born-lived-all-of-their-lives-here people, “go back” to their home countries”, how is that anything other than hate speech?  And what made him think that these people are immigrants?  Nothing more than the color of their skin.  Trump wants a WHITE America, and anyone who defends or votes for him, wants the same thing.  That is your right as a person, but please don’t think that we can be friends.  I believe that immigrants have helped to make our country the great place that it is.  A vote for Trump is a vote for hate, and I do not accept that.  His actions in condemning anyone who points out America’s faults, and sidelining the mainstream media are not the actions of a leader of a democratic republic….they are the actions of a dictator.  He is trying to subvert the very foundations of our country, and his supporters and Republican congress people are doing the same things when they sit quietly by and do not condemn his hate speech.  

“When asked if he was concerned that many people saw that tweet as racist and that white nationalist groups were finding common cause with the statement, Trump said Monday he wasn’t because “many people agree with me.”  

I’m sad to say that is regrettably true….after all…white nationalist groups have called him one-of-their-own for a long time.  The fact that people agree with your position, does not make it right.  Many people agreed with Hitler and Mussolini too.

Here's my machine in action (remember, if you get this as an email, you have to go to the actual blog to see it):


  1. You spoke my exact thoughts about the current occupant of 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. The sooner we get him out of there, the better. I have never felt such disgust for a public figure.

  2. I concur - you speak for me also!! LOve U MPD


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