Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cooking Fingers

Our air conditioner has not been working well over the past week and after talking with the repair guy, he suggested leaving it off overnight.  So, it was really warm and muggy in the house when we got up on Monday morning (7/22).  And, I’m sad to say that my honey is also now fighting a scratchy throat  :~(.

I got my blog out and took care of all of my emails before taking the newest charity quilt off of my frame.  I got the ends woven in and the basting ripped out before leaving for Cooking Fingers.  

Paula gave us a welcoming speech:  

and I got to sit at the birthday table this month:  

The demonstrations were good:





And the food was TERRIFIC!!!!  

Everyone at my table practically licked their plates clean.  I was home by NOON and our house was 90 degrees.  Michael and I hung out in the basement until 4 PM when our furnace guy finally came and said there was nothing wrong with it and to turn it on!!  We made BLT’s for dinner, courtesy of some yummy tomatoes from Loree & Reg’s garden, and after dinner I suddenly ran up to CVS.  

OK – I’m sharing something very personal in the hopes that it might help someone else if the situation arises.  Right after dinner I noticed that literally every 5 minutes I felt like I had to go to the bathroom…and only a few drips would come out.  Luckily I have several girlfriends who have shared their stories about UTI’s with me, so I headed on up to the MINUTE CLINIC.  Yes, even though I have no pain (apparently most of the time, pain accompanies this infection), I have a raging infection and the clinician at CVS said that it was a good thing I came as soon as I did.  She put me on an antibiotic to get started until they can culture and identify exactly what strain I have.  So, I want to thank my girlfriends for sharing their stories (you know who you are), because I am generally, firmly in the camp of if-I-ignore-this-it-will go-away for physical problems.  And, that would have been really bad in this situation.  I also want to urge any other women out there….if you have symptoms, pain or frequency, go get checked IMMEDIATELY!!!  Apparently this is easily diagnosed at a walk-in type clinic.  OK, this public service message is over  :~).  

By the time I got home, I was wiped out and my honey and I watched TV and I knit away the rest of the evening.

*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***

Toy Story 4 is another visual masterpiece from Pixar studios. It is an adventure/ love story that takes you into the world of what it means to be one and what a toy’s “job” is!  Woody the cowboy is in charge when a newly created toy goes missing. The toy must be found so its human can make it through kindergarten!  During this rescue Woody is reunited with Bo Peep, who was given away years ago. The love story part!! There are villains and chases and plot twists and you really care about these characters. Throughout the movie I had to keep telling myself that this was animation as the visuals were so lifelike. I give it 4/5 fat quarters.


  1. Thank you for sharing your UTI story. And maybe my daughter's story added on will illustrate the consequences of ignoring the symptoms. My daughter could tell by her symptoms she had a UTI, but just followed home remedy of lots of cranberry juice. The outer symptoms eventually went away, but couple weeks later she became very sick and went to emergency room. She ended up spending 2 days in the hospital with a kidney infection. So Deb is right, go for that test!

  2. I always keep a jug of Cranberry juice in the fridge just in case. I gets rid of the pain of UTI's if you don't get to the Dr soon enough. In fact I think I have gotten rid of it without antibiotics because I started drinking it at the first signs.


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