Monday, July 15, 2019

quilts basted, champagne & puffy things!

We had a slow start Sunday morning (7/14), but at least it was after a wonderful night of sleep for the both of us!!  Michael and Cookie headed out for a walk, while I headed to the studio to begin basting the charity quilts.  I got those all done 

and set up the program.  That took me a bit of time as I hadn’t done it for over 3 weeks!  Luckily I had a cheat sheet I made and taped to my computer before I left…that helped a LOT!  I recently bought 5 new longarm designs, so I got those loaded and printed out samples for my selection book.  I used to be able to take my old computer up to the kitchen table to meet with clients and have them pick out a pattern.  I can’t do that anymore (my computer is too big and too integrated to the longarm), and not all of my clients can handle the stairs to the basement, so I have begun to print out my designs and load them into a 3-ring binder.  I plan to keep that upstairs for clients to look at when they come with their quilts.  By then I realized that I needed to put my new bowl foot on my longarm, and everything should be turned off for that.  You remember what a process that is:  

notice needle and foot swung out to the left

When I finally got that done, my enthusiasm for anything else had kind of petered out.  I stopped and got all 441 photos from the vacation on the IPAD loaded onto my computer (I just have Michael’s phone and my kindle to go…PLUS I need to load everything onto his computer), and then decided to start sewing on my binding strips.  I got the binding put all around one side of a QoV quilt before heading upstairs for dinner.  Michael and I have been wanting to celebrate our safe return from vacation…and Sunday night was the night!  We had champagne: 

and puffy things (in this case potstickers) and watched cooking shows for the rest of the evening and got some knitting in.

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