Wednesday, July 24, 2019

mattress, new quilt pasted, Ken & Ginny

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (7/23)!!!  Yes, this is it….officially entering the last phase…I’m now on MEDICARE….that’s a good thing…right?  I’m not sure I’m having an auspicious beginning (see yesterday’s blog entry), but I think it will be a terrific year.

First up was this:  

Getting our old mattress out the door to be picked up….I’m sure if someone had filmed us doing it, they could cure cancer with all of the laughing.  

After that, my honey left around 9 AM to hit a bucket of balls at the course as it has been WAY TOO HOT to play a round of golf lately.  I headed to my studio to continue working on getting Paula’s newest quilt basted:  

By 11 AM we had this on the porch:  

And by the time we left around NOON for lunch, it was all unrolled and ‘relaxing’ on the box spring.  

Getting it out of the plastic was definitely like that episode from THE DICK VAN DYKE show where Laura tries to open a box and it ends up being an inflatable raft!!!   It was shrink wrapped and it exploded as we were trying to get the plastic off!!!  The kids were enjoying everything as well:  

We met Ken & Ginny: 

up at the golf club house for lunch.  They wanted to take us out as a thank you for some things we have done in the past…and it was delightful and filling!  I got a burger and onion rings: 

and enjoyed every single bite!  We were home before 2 PM, and I wanted to continue working on Paula’s quilt, but there were thunderstorms in the area, so I worked on the binding for a small quilt instead.  Michael left at 7 PM for the movies (at which time our mattress was STILL in front of the house, even though I called at 2 PM and confirmed it would be picked up by 6 PM…I am SO IRRITATED!!!) and I continued to work on my binding.  By the time Michael came home, another quilt was done:

This is a small excerpt from the piece; I really believe he says it in a reasoned manner and cannot understand how anyone could dispute these words:
‘I believe that it is just a matter of time before our country pays a heavy price for President Donald Trump’s reckless spending and shortsighted financial policies; his erratic, destabilizing foreign policy; and his disdain and disregard for environmental concerns.
Furthermore, he sets a poor example for the nation and our children. He delivers personal insults, often in a crude and juvenile fashion, to those who disagree with him, and is a bully at a time when we’re attempting to discourage bullying, on- and offline.
In addition, he frequently disregards the truth and displays a willingness to ridicule or marginalize people for their appearance, ethnicity, and disability.
I believe that his actions have coarsened political discourse, contributing to unprecedented polarization and creating a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions.
Some would excuse this behavior, claiming Trump is just telling it like it is—and that this is the new normal. If this is the new normal, I want no part of it. Unacceptable behavior should be called out for what it is—and Americans of all parties should insist on something far better from the man holding the highest office in the land (emphasis mine).’

1 comment:

  1. LOL new mattress story. What brand did you end up getting? And to your last point, unfortunately and sadly , the supporters of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue don't seem to be thinking along the same lines of logic as you and I. We have to come to grips that a certain portion of America IS THE SAME AND BELIEVES THE SAME as said occupant.


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