Monday, December 9, 2013

white trash, turtles

Sunday morning (12/8) was spent packing the car and getting set up at the Lake House for the craft fair.  Sunday afternoon I sat and knit with Nancy A and had a wonderful time talking to lots and lots of people I haven’t seen in awhile.  Michael came to help me pack up at 4, and I was basically beat for the rest of the evening!

Monday morning (12/9) I took a crockpot full of ‘raw’ Mexican Chicken Soup, 1/2  a loaf of cornbread and a frozen turkey/cheese sauce/pasta casserole over to Sally & Jimmy’s.  I thought they would like to smell the soup cooking for a change.  I had a quick breakfast, and by 11 was finally ready to start making white trash…

weighing out the ingredients


covering everything with white chocolate

spread out, waiting for chocolate to firm up

bagged up and ready to go!
My friend Paula gave us an amaryllis to force indoors and Michael got it planted in the afternoon:

before bagging up all of my white trash.  I got to relax with my latest book for a bit which is FABULOUS!!!!  It is called The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbreith…it is a murder mystery with a no frills PI and I loved it.  I’m definitely going to see if he has written anything else.  I finally finished it around 8 and got another burst of energy, and proceeded to make a new recipe for turtles:

toasting the pecans

melting the caramels

putting toasted pecans on top of the caramels

adding the chocolate

bagged up and ready to go!
I got 5 boxes done (my honey put the boxes together...aren't they cute?) and collapsed into bed just before 11. 


  1. I liked the Cuckoo’s Calling as well… But I realize that I don’t actually try to figure out the mystery when I read mystery novels; I just let it unfold. I realized ¾ through that the author was letting us see this entire investigation through the PI’s eyes. An interesting technique.

    Here’s some big news for you if you haven’t already been told by your other loyal readers. Robert Galbraith is a pen name for JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series). I imagine she may write again under that pen name in that genre. We’ll see. There was a big to-do when one of her lawyers accidently outed her in casual conversation with a friend’s wife – who promptly called the tabloids. (Some friend!) Of course, many unkind people are convinced Rowling outed herself when original sales of the book weren’t that good, but I don’t believe that at all. She wanted the book to stand on its own merits, and the initial reviews were pretty good. The law firm paid some amount of restitution to one of Rowling’s favorite charities; I don’t know if they’re still her lawyers. Perils of publishing – and being a hugely famous author.

    Hope you are well and warm – it’s been winter here. Had my lunch date cancelled today (boo!) because of snow, but the good news is that I’ll definitely have all of my course’s final projects graded today. 27 projects over the last 3 days = about 17 hour of grading time and counting. Luckily, most of them earn As. But the occasional B or C just makes me crazy! Whew! -- Cathy

  2. Turtles are cool. I did something similar but not with the caramel. BG

  3. Those turtles looked yummy! I made a half batch of white trash when I was in NC. I love making it for my friends because they all love it so much. Hope it’s not chilly down there. It’s been snowing all day although when I was out at lunch it wasn’t sticking to the ground. I am hopeful the drive home won’t be bad! I’m so behind in all my holiday preparations. My tree isn’t up yet. I’ve still got lots of presents to wrap and mail. I have no clue what I’m doing for my xmas day…if I’m having people over or not. Twitch twitch! Anywho…love reading the blog and wanted to comment on the goodies you had made (and yes, the boxes for the turtles were adorable!) Love you! Leila


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