Sunday, December 8, 2013

artisan bread, parfait, Loree & Reg

Jan and I were up and out early Saturday (12/6) morning to visit Donna at a local craft fair.  There were 95 vendors there selling EVERYTHING!!!  We saw several other people from Sun City doing some shopping.  We made a quick stop at Michael’s and a grocery store before heading home.  I got Italian Wedding soup in the crockpot by 11:30, then Michael headed out to BJ’s and I made an abortive attempt to take a nap.  I don’t understand it…I was dog tired, but just couldn’t fall asleep.  Oh well, I decided to get up and pull together some of my stuff for the last SCCL craft fair on Sunday.  I pulled out the last of my artisan dough and made 2 loaves for dinner:

 And used some of my new IKEA glasses to put together a parfait of vanilla Greek yoghurt and fruit for dessert:


We were all ready at 5 to greet Loree and Reg for dinner:

We started with a shrimp appetizer that they brought, then had the soup and bread.  We played SCREWED after dinner, paused for dessert, played several rounds of GOLF and then ended up in the living room just talking.  We had a really nice evening and look forward to doing it again.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post !

    Great photos...and awesome looking bread and parfaits !

    I liked your artist 'santa' bags too from the other day.

    Chuck has been stuck in Dallas since Thursday. He was scheduled again for 1:00 today, but they just pushed off to 2:00, hope it doesn't get cancelled again.

    I'm waiting to hear from him this morning....

    Didn't feel good yesterday. I think just run down, and had the house to myself, (Jess is at her moms), so mostly putzed and couldn't wait to go to bed, and one thing led to another, and by the time I went to bed at 1, I couldn't fall asleep ! Same thing that happened to you... I hate that.

    Need to go out today and get some groceries and a few other things.

    Hope your craft show is successful !

    hugs, mj


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