Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Monday morning (7/30) Michael left for golf (returning home around 1 with an 85!) and I headed to the studio.  I spent most of the morning and afternoon starting a new set of snowflakes, and starting a new set of Mah Jongg purses.  Michael came downstairs in the late afternoon, and I told him I wanted a picture: 

It is still so hard for me to believe that a small 1/2 inch seed can turn into a 10 foot tall plant.  Michael saved seeds from last year’s flower.  We had hoped for multiple flowers, but the birds ate some of the planted seeds and the bunnies ate some of the plants….so we only got one…but what a one it is J.

In the evening, I headed up to the Lake House just to collect $$$ for the square dance.  I came down the wrong way on my knee over the weekend and it is sore and swollen, so I didn’t think dancing on it for 3 hours would help.


  1. Whoa...I think that's even bigger than last year's. And no one squealed to the landscape police??

  2. love the pics--- love U2



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