Saturday, July 30, 2011

Michael was up at 6 and gone by 7 on Friday (7/29).  I got up at 7 and proceeded to clean the rest of the fridge…you know, wash all of the drawers and shelves and wipe down everything else.  How DOES all of that dust and dirt get in there in the first place???  I was hoping the charity would come to pick up the fridge by 8, but they didn’t show up until 11, and then couldn’t take it anyway because the fridge was supposed to be outside or in the garage for them to pick up!  It would have been great if someone had told me that….I would have reversed the order of old one going and new one coming!  Anyway, the new fridge people came around 1:30 and carried the old one out to garage and put new one in.  They could not hook up the water line because (again!) no one at the store told us that we had to have a new, stainless steel water line in order for them to hook it up!!  So…I hooked up the old one (with a small wrench they had) and Michael will go out to get an upgraded one over the weekend.  Michael was so great, but the time we got everything squared away, he went begging for ice at the neighbors so that we could have something cold to drink.  The fridge took 2 hours to come up to temperature and then Michael proceeded to drag all of the stuff from our neighbor’s fridge back to ours.  We had mater sammiches for dinner and just watched a bunch of our TV shows in the evening.

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