Saturday, July 9, 2011

Michael left very early for golf on Friday (7/8) and I managed to get the almond ice cream made and packed away before Joanne picked me up at 8:30.  We hit Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock’s, then stopped for lunch at Panera before heading home.  I was home by 1 with flannel for the back of the red/blue quilt and some polymer clay to get started leaning about it.  I also picked up some more beads for the wall handing, since I was totally out of silver.  I spent the afternoon in my sewing room, breaking only to make wonton soup for dinner.  Michael pronounced the wontons A+, but the chicken broth needs a bit of work.  We had almond ice cream for dessert (it was scrumptious!) and watched TV the rest of the night.

1 comment:

  1. MJ - Okay, so what's the plan for the polymer clay ??????????????


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