Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!  Our day started with a quick trip to the grocery store, then home for mimosas and breakfast!  Michael left at 11 to drop off my sewing machine for repair, and Connie (former knitting student) stopped by for a visit.  She brought tons of her yarn to discuss projects and ALL of it was gorgeous!  After Connie left I headed downstairs to set up my portable machine so that I could continue sewing…and also started perusing my yarns to pick out something to take on vacation.  By then it was lunchtime and my honey made me an incredible grilled cheese and tomato sandwich (he makes the BEST!!!)  Nancy and Jen stopped by for a quick visit and finally Michael came down and finished his picture to video program.  We had champagne and puffy things for dinner and relaxed and watched TV in the evening.  It really was a perfect day.

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! We were in New York most of the day yesterday, and I forgot til today. Went down to tour Columbia Univ. A mere 60K per year, but a bit of a stretch school for Jen, academically speaking.


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