Friday, July 17, 2020

So, after a brief crying jag Thursday morning (7/16), I felt more like myself.  It's hard to be in pain (even though it's not much) and feel helpless and like things will never go back to normal, and that you can't even sleep in your own bed.  But I'm only a week into this and even i can tell how much better i am than I was last Friday when I came home.  And my neighbors have been so great keeping us supplied with food and i,ve received so many nice cards that i just have to feel better.  So, I headed to the kitchen to make ham and pickle for my honey before settling into the media room (with my honey making 27 trips to get me everything I needed) to watch old CLOSERS and iron 25 yards of binding for 3 recently quilted QoV's....this gave Michael a blissful 2 hours of peace and quiet 😁.  After that i was hungry, so my honey made me a spot of breakfast before I settled in behind my machine, determined to stop feeling sorry for myself and start being productive.

My hip seemed extra tender today and I am attributing that to not enough movement yesterday, so I decided to sew just 10 blocks at a time which would mean much more getting up and down to iron.  Michael headed out to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  Connie stopped by to chat and drop off a library book, and Susie dropped off flowers and treats on the feel quite pampered!!

Well, pampered at least by my hubby and friends...not at all pampered by my doctor's office, who are apparently incapable of calling me back.   I am trying yo find out about physical therapy and so far have been told that it is not a protocol for ORTHOCAROLINA after a total hip replacement...but they would see what they could do????

Anyway, by 3 pm I was back in my chair, reading my book,and by 8 pm I had finished the second in the series....and i was again impressed by how good it was.

Our neighbors brought over beef stew for dinner with lemon meringue pie for dessert (dear God I'm going to be as big as a house by the time this is done!!) and by 8 pm we were snuggled on the couch watching tv and relaxing.   I did end up taking 2 pain pills in the evening, which greatly improved how my hip was feeling.

And just before bed, i loaded up the third book in the series...Death of a dream maker by Gallagher Gray

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