Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Recovery...much like most things in life, and actually life itself, is not a straight line thing.  After being so happy Monday about not using my cane, i had a horrible night Monday night.  I woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep.  At 4 am i was still awake and my leg was throbbing.  I took a pain pill (i still always put one on my nightstand when I go to bed) and tried to go back to sleep, with only limited success.

Michael was up and out Tuesday morning (7/28), for a dental cleaning and some errands and i finally dragged my butt out of bed around 9 am, took a shower and washed my hair and got dressed.  At least I still feel a sense of accomplishment about being able to do those things alone.  I made my tea and a breakfast sandwich and after breakfast I got to skype with BG for quite awhile.

Michael came home just as we were finishing up and helped me to carry all of my rows back into the media room, where i spent the afternoon sewing my rows together to make 2 smaller quilts:

I,m sure they'll need some kind of border, but i,ll worry about that when i get back downstairs.

I got a call before dinner and i will have my last pt appointment tomorrow, and i wanted to make a little gift for my therapist because he really has been terrific, so (thx June!!!), I put together salted almond/craisen/dark chocolate bark and set it to chill in the fridge.

We had the last of pat,s lasagna for dinner and it was as yummy as ever.

PS- I have to say that i,m VERY disappointed in my readers....not ONE comment on the blog pictures that i have to jump through hoops to get.  😡


  1. Ok. Sorry, just take your pics for granted. Ever thought about those hoops. Like your layout. I can see lots of different layouts depending color combos. I am on fa.y

  2. I am so proud of the progress you have made so quickly-- keep it going --but don't OVERDO!!!!
    Love you!!!!!


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