Saturday, July 18, 2020

After a wonderful night of sleep Thursday night, I hopped up Friday morning (7/17) ready to seize the day!!

Michael got me set up in the media room before leaving for the chiro and a hearing aid appointment.  We seem to be missing some of our cloth wipes, so i spent that time making more and watching taped CLOSERs.

And, I got a call...apparently a home physical therapy place got a request yesterday to give me a call to start interesting.  My physical therapist showed up and was here for about 2 hours and he was terrific.   I had many questions and he answered them all.  He thought I was doing very well and explained many things, including the differences between hip rehab and knee rehab (knowing that knee rehab is probably in my future).  I cannot begin to tell you how much better I felt after talking to him.  At one point when he was here, i looked down at my leg and said Oh my GOODNESS....I have cankles!!!!  When did that happen??????  You know what cankles are....right???   That's when your calves go right into the top of your feet, with no definition of an ankle.   I had never before noticed it....then I saw my left leg...what a right leg is still really swollen and i just hadn't noticed.  Anyway, by the time he left, my thigh was really aching, so for the rest of the day, I relaxed, walked a little, read my book and napped.

I had a chicken sandwich for dinner and snuggled with my honey in front of the tv for the rest of the night.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear that you finally have a PT!


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