Sunday, July 5, 2020

4th of July parade, new tablecloth starts, Cookie

Current Corona Virus Deaths in the US - 132,331

                                           Yesterday - 132,112


Michael left for golf on Saturday (Happy 4th of July!!!), and Paula called me just after I hit ‘publish’ on my blog to come down and watch the parade: 

We sat and talked for a bit afterwards, then she came down to score a few purple scraps for her next project.  It really does make me feel good to have people use my scraps…..seems not quite so wasteful when that happens!  

I headed to the studio after that and continued quilting on the 3rd QoV, while also getting my newest tablecloth going:  

I think it's wide enough now, I just have to start making it a rectangle.

My honey came home around 2 PM….TOTALLY EXHAUSTED!!!  He played golf 5 times this week and that is just too much, so he turned on the golf and relaxed (slept?) upstairs in the late afternoon.  

By dinnertime I finished quilting the 3rd QoV: 

and was ready to join my honey for relaxing with popcorn and a MINION movie.  Cookie was playing in the evening and looked so silly with a tennis ball (with a big hole) stuck on her nose:

Hey friends - I really need your prayers this week….I have a COVID test Sunday at 11 AM (which I am nervous about where exactly they’re going to stick that all know about me and my throat!!), I have a sonogram on Monday (that thank goodness Paula is taking me to, since it’s in Charlotte) for ‘abnormalities’ in both of my breasts from the mammogram, and then hip replacement surgery on Thursday.  I really need to feel all of my friend’s love, so please keep sending it my way.


  1. I’ll be praying for you day and night until the surgrpery and the recovery are over.


  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers for all of your "extra" events this week. Glad the Covid test was uneventful. I hope the results are too. Hope your sonogram is the same. I have "extra fibrous" girls which was cause for concern years ago but now that it is in my record, I do not have to redo that anymore.


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