Saturday, July 4, 2020

hydrangeas, new tablecloth

Current Corona Virus Deaths in the US - 132,112

                                           Yesterday - 131,503


After picking another gorgeous bouquet of hydrangeas: 

my honey left for golf Friday morning (7/3) and I headed to the studio, determined to finish quilting on the second quilt.  I got that done during the day, while also having a quick SKYPE-ing session with Janice to see the new fabric she bought!!!  She hit up a fabric store (mask and sanitizer in hand) which was practicing low amounts of people with high amounts of social distancing and masks to pick up 3 pieces of fabric for 3 new quilts!  It was all really nice and I was glad I got to see it….hope she brings one of the projects when she comes next week.  

I also need a project to work on downstairs over the weekend and early next week…so remember this tablecloth:  

made all out of 1/2 square triangles?  Well, I’d like to make a holiday one for our kitchen table when it is extended, but I’ll be using a different technique to put it together.  I’ve decided to be smart and first practice on a tablecloth for our table on the lanair, and this is what I’ve chosen for fabric:  

I hope to work on that while my 3rd QoV, that I got loaded and basted: 

quilts out.


  1. beautiful hydrangeas---- we are so lucky!!

  2. The hydrangeas are beautiful! The fabric you picked for the table on the lanair will be perfect, but I would go cross eyed if I was working with something that busy. Can’t wait to see it all done.


  3. Did Janice go to Quilting at the Beach in Myrtle beach? I was there when I went a couple weeks ago. Just over the main road from where we were staying. Very nice store and lots if nice fabric.


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