Saturday, March 8, 2014

English muffins

BG and I got up at 7 on Sunday (3/2)and she ran down to the new bakery and got black was FABULOUS!!!  I am sure I could have eaten 1/2 a dozen pieces for breakfast, no sweat.  We talked away the morning and at NOON headed out to pick up BG;s new freezer  got all of the food moved over to the new freezer once it chilled down.  I took a short nap (sleep has been on short rations during this trip J), we had an early dinner and at 5:30 BG and I started sewing.  I got 4 pillow cases done by 7:30 and we decided to veg and watch the Oscars a bit.  I got to knit on my sweater and we watched until 10 when we both collapsed into bed.

Monday morning (3/3) we were up bright and early and we made English we, I mean BG.  The dough was WAY sticky and I gratefully watched her portion it out onto the griddles.


Oh my goodness...they were yummmy!!!  BG gave me to to bring home with me and Michael snapped them right up!
We spent the rest of the day and night sewing and I got all of my pillow cases done….YAY!
I ate a homemade English muffin for breakfast on Tuesday (3/4) morning and BG and I left for the airport shortly after 7 AM.  It was a sad good-bye, even though I was anxious to be home with Michael again L….only 6-1/2 months to retreat!!!  Michael picked me up around  1 PM and after having a quick lunch, we took a nap (I was exhausted).  We had leftovers for dinner and then Michael went to the movies in the evening and saw NON STOP (a totally tense airplane movie with Liam Neeson.  I was anxious to get to my tumbling blocks again….but was just wiped out and I ended up just sitting on the couch…snuggling Cookie and watching the boob tube.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear all about your wonderful, whirlwind visit.
    Am looking forward to a visit sooner than later!!!
    Miss you


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