got me up at 7 on Tuesday (3/11) for an ob-gyn routine appointment and my butt
was DRAGGIN’! While I feel really good,
I am still coughing a lot (and it wakes me up several times a night) and that
will probably keep up for awhile (as everyone says). I guess it really disrupted my sleep last
night and I’m one pooped pup.
the appointment, I stopped at TARGET looking for COMBOS for my honey….no luck
with that, so I bought him some peeps, as well as some chocolate candy that BG
and I really like. I hit WALMART on the
way home to return some things (does TARGET really pay their employees that
much more than WALMART does? I find it
hard to believe that’s true, but the different in attitude between the 2
stores, which seem to basically sell the same stuff, is staggering). Then I hit GNC and finally got home after
11. I was pooped and read my book and
had a quick lunch ‘til Joanne picked me up for Stitch & Chat. One of the other ladies had made me a copy of
a really sweet baby sweater pattern that I can’t wait to try. I got a bit of ‘sewing together’ done on the
baby sweater and a lot of chatting done with various folks before we headed
home. As soon as I got home, I made
another cup of tea and sat with my newest book.
I finally finished it right after Michael left for the movies. The name of the book is ME BEFORE YOU
and the author is Jojo Moyes. I don’t
want to say anything about this book, because I don’t want to give away
anything, but this book was truly incredible and I urge everyone to read
it. How these people can create such a
powerful story out of ordinary events, and make the reader care SO MUCH….I cannot
comprehend…..guess that’s what great writing is all about J. If
you’ve already read the book and want to know what I thought, leave me a
message on the blog and I’ll write back to you direcly.It’s a good thing I
finally finished it, as I had to spend the evening filling out forms and
gathering up crafts for a meeting Wednesday morning. Michael didn’t get home until after 10 and we
watched just a bit of TV before heading to bed.
morning (3/12) I was up early and after my terrific weekly phone call from
Janice, I headed to Rock Hill to meet up with someone interested in displaying
and selling my crafts. Christia and I
talked for several hours, and I turned several samples over to her for display
in her shop. I was home by 1 (totally
STARVING as I never picked up anything for breakfast) and my honey had made me
a grilled ham & cheese sandwich….YUMMMMM-O!
He headed out to get in 9 holes of golf, while I took a nap! I felt like I’d been on the run ever since
Monday morning, and I needed a bit of extra sleep. When Michael got home from golf, we both got
cleaned up, then got to relax a bit:
hanging with dad |
Joanne & Larry picked us up for dinner.
We headed to Red Lobster (where we haven’t eaten in well over a year)
and had a FABULOUS dinner. Michael got
King Crab Legs and the morsels he shared with me were totally delectable. I had tilapia with a crab/shrimp/butter
sauce, preceeded by a Cesar Salad that was excellent. When we got home, we were both very full and
sat on the couch and watched TV. I
started knitting on a beaded necklace, since my inventory on those got so low
over the holiday sales.