Thursday, August 8, 2013

spice cookies, cinnamon chip bread, wreck of the Hesperus kitchen

I hopped up at 6:14 AM Wednesday morning (8/7) because I had a lot to get done.  I swear I usually only use molasses twice a year…and now I’ve needed it twice in 2 weeks (for baked beans and spice cookies)!  I ran to the grocery store to get molasses, then came home and put together a run of spice cookies: 

While I was baking them I put together 2 loaves of cinnamon chip bread and also got that baked:

then took it all down to the church.  My honey thought it would be cute to take a picture of what our island (and pretty much the rest of the kitchen) has looked like for the past 4 days:
By the time I got home it was around 10:30 and I had time for a quick bike ride, then I got cleaned up and Jan picked me up at NOON to leave for the funeral.  Again, it was just so sad….there were so many people there, and so many firefighters (that’s who all the food was for).  I just can’t imagine everyone in family in the coming days…that’s when it gets the hardest.  Up until now they’ve had so many details to plan and questions to answer and people to talk to….but now everyone goes home and you are left with the reality….and I can tell you from Earl’s death…it is just horrible.

I was home by 3:30 and was just exhausted, so I watched TV and knit on a charity hat and relaxed with my feet up until dinner.  we had the quintessential summer dinner: ‘mater sammiches and corn on the cob….heaven!  Michael and I both had a lot of our own TV shows to watch…so for the rest of the evening, I was downstairs knitting and watching, and he was upstairs.

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